Tread the Precipice

Feb 03, 2009 13:15

Title: Tread the Precipice (Oblivion Series)
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Dark themes, blood and medieval medical procedures.
Summary: Merlin took Arthur’s place as a victim of the assassin’s bolt. Fate is fickle however and what does this mean for the one destined to be the once and future King? Sequel to Gaze on Oblivion.
Disclaimer: The Arthurian Legend belongs to the people of the world; the interpretation of characters borrowed for this story belong to the television series 'Merlin'.

Chapter One

Merlin had thought his final moments would be blessed with seeing Arthur healthy and whole, it would be peaceful and surely he would manage one last admittedly redundant declaration of love. Why not? Uther already wanted him dead and his wish would surely be only seconds away.

Of course, it was not that way at all. He couldn’t breath, his chest a lead weight that did not allow him to take in air. Okay, so he could see the protruding head of the cross-bow bolt but where the hell was the weight coming from? Maybe he should have listened more to Gaius’ teaching on medicine and the human body. Then there was the pain.  Dull, and sharp at the same time and he was unable to scream or yell because there was the no breath thing. Blood, it was everywhere and it was his now, not Arthur’s even though the Prince was now covered in it as he alternatively tried to stop the bleeding and hold Merlin’s head in his arms.

Noise; there was so much of it. Voices raised, screams from afar and Arthur… above all he heard Arthur bellow for Gaius, and then he would curse his father - he would curse Merlin and order him to change them back, to undo what had been done. This almost made Merlin smile, the fact that even now Arthur would try to give him orders, as if he had followed them in the past.

Best of all he would bring his face close to Merlin’s ear and whisper that he must hold on; that he would not lose him this way. It was almost enough to let Merlin feel okay about dying.

Except he wasn’t, dying that was. Much as there was blood everywhere, and he couldn’t breath and his vision was all blurry - the world did not fade away and the pain remained. Perhaps this was his punishment for ignoring all the rules, for doing what should never be done. Then another thought wiggled its way in, past the pain and the fear… maybe something was holding him here - not to torture him but to save him.


Gaius’ Chambers, Camelot

“Put him on the table,” ordered Gaius tersely, not daring to waste time watching them as he gathered what he needed from the shelves spread around the room. He heard the breaking of pots as the table was cleared and allowed himself to wince with the rude thought that even in the throes of mortal injury Merlin managed to make a mess.

Shuffling over he examined the wound, much easier to see in the beam of light from the window. The bolt was definitely lodged in one lung and although there was bleeding it was not arterial and that gave them time. He wiped away some blood to get a better understanding of the type of bolt and Merlin gasped and moved sharply.

“Hold him,” snapped Gaius and the two knights did so immediately. They had arrived shortly after he had at the gate, probably preparing themselves to see their Prince dead. Instead the word that Arthur was slain was wrong, it was Merlin and he was still alive - barely. A word from Arthur had these two and the other half dozen Knights that followed both carry Merlin and make a hole through the ever increasing crowd.

Arthur had not left Merlin’s side and even now, covered in blood and with a face so distraught, he refused any suggestion to leave. Gaius had to shake his head at the sight. Had it been twenty years ago the scene was not much different except it was Uther standing there with Igraine in his arms. Gaius had failed then, he promised himself today would be different.

“I said hold him by gods,” he hissed again and used a sharp blade to remove the remnants of Merlin’s shirt. “One wrong move and we could cause more bleeding.” Picking up a piece of reed, sharpened at one end Gaius spared a look at Arthur. “This will sound worse than it is.” He felt around and counted bones until he reached the point he was after, without waiting any longer he plunged the reed down, through Merlin’s chest.

Arthur flinched at the sight and then turned away as, with a gurgling sound, bits of blood and flesh flew from the end of the reed. It only lasted a moment then a whistling could be heard as the air trapped in Merlin’s chest escaped. Almost immediately Merlin gasped loudly and took a breath.

“Easy son,” murmured Gaius, putting a hand to Merlin’s cheek and looking into his eyes to ensure he heard him. “Lightly now, just soft breaths - you only have one lung working.” Merlin must have heard because his panting slowed and he gave obvious signs of trying to relax his need for air.

Gaius grabbed one of Sir Bedivere’s hands and made him put a finger on the reed’s tip just as a whistling stopped. “Every few minutes you must release the air, otherwise Merlin will be unable to breath.” The Knight, no older than Merlin, nodded silently and stared at his finger as if it alone was keeping Merlin alive.

Gaius nodded and pursed is lips. Like Arthur most of the knights had been reluctant to leave Merlin’s side even when there was nothing for them to do. Was Merlin even aware of how much he had enamoured himself not just to Merlin but to Arthur’s inner-circle?

He turned to Arthur, who was softly telling Merlin to not speak and just stay still; it was good to know that for once Merlin was listening and obeyed. Gaius forced Arthur from Merlin’s side and led him to the wash basin where he washed Arthur’s hands; for his part, the Prince knew enough of Gaius’ medicinal methods to not argue.

“I have to warn you sire,” said Gaius softly, hoping Merlin would not hear them.  “I have never successfully treated a wound this serious.”

Arthur breathed slowly. “If anyone can Gaius, it is you… but?”

“Yes Arthur,” Gaius used his name, it was appropriate.

The Prince’s lip trembled for only a moment. “What if something more could be done, something,” he raised his head and stared straight at Gaius. “What if we used magic, it is why he’s here and not me.”

Gaius closed his eyes and shook his head slowly. “No. Absolutely not.”

“Why?” implored Arthur. “Merlin’s already under threat of execution for using sorcery but I can assure you that neither him, nor anyone who uses magic to save him, will suffer that fate.”

There was such resolve in his voice, such conviction that Gaius felt pride that finally the Prince was coming into his own, becoming the King he would one day be. That did not change the reality. “It cannot be Arthur, you think I wouldn’t defy Uther to save Merlin? But it is because Merlin used magic that we cannot do the same. It may undo what has already been achieved, or worse.”

“If it means I may end up back there instead of him I will take the risk,” said Arthur without hesitation.

“That is not the risk Arthur,” explained Gaius carefully. “Right now I may yet save him with medicine and science - and if I do the laws of nature have not been broken. It would be as if I had saved you with the same treatment, but if we invoke magic,” he shrugged his arms to say that the results could be catastrophic. “It is not just your life, or Merlin’s that could be in jeopardy, and Merlin would not want that.”

Arthur finally nodded in understanding and stood tall, drying his hands on a clean cloth. “Tell me what you need Gaius, anything from anywhere and it will be done.”

Gaius gave him a list, loud enough for everyone to hear. Nothing unusual, plenty of hot water, clean cloth and extra lanterns. That and privacy - no-one could disturb them, especially during the most dangerous part, the removal of the bolt.

The knights themselves moved to do as he asked Gaius spared a glance at Arthur with a questioning look and the Prince must have understood for he let his gaze wander about the room and he raised his voice. “Before we go further everyone should know the risk you undertake. My father may well punish any and everyone who helps Mer- Merlin.” His voice caught on having to say the name and Gaius placed a hand softly on Arthur’s shoulder.

The Knights only stopped while Arthur had been speaking, once finished they went immediately back to their tasks, not one hesitated nor left the room. Gaius smiled and he noticed a glimmer of one crossed Arthur’s lips - with loyalty like this he would be not only a great King but a leader unparalleled.

Arthur returned to the table and whispered in Merlin’s ear, smoothing his hair in the process; Merlin’s eyes stared at him with utter trust and devotion. Not breaking eye contact with Merlin Arthur finally nodded and spoke softly. “Do it Gaius, do it now.”

Gaius gripped the bolt with some pliers and prepared himself - on the battlefield this is usually when the patient suffered the most, and then died.

Not this time, promised Gaius, not Merlin.

  AshtakRa Masterfile

pairing: merlin/arthur, fandom: merlin, 'oblivion' series, story: tread the precipice

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