Okay, I'm being sort of a bad employee right now, but I'm all tired and fuzzy so hopefully the writingness will help me think better and I will become Superworker. As it stands I can't seem to tell "Shipping & Handling" from "Property & Casualty" so perhaps it's for the best.
Boy accidentally (I hope) elbowed me in his sleep last night which made me make a noise not unlike a whooping crane and lie awake pissed off until it got light out. Then I couldn't go back to sleep because it was light out and I kept thinking I had to get up any minute. Thus, I think I'm going to buy an opaque curtain today after work. As for the elbowing, I don't really know what to do about that. Suggestions?
The weekend was pretty rad.
squishybus got into town Thursday. I met her for lunch on Friday where we met two middle aged southern ladies who were visiting their nephew in NY and had no idea what they were doing drinking wine in a Thai restaurant in the Financial District at midday but they were real nice and liked Tom Waits and told us how they get drunk in boats back home. Then I took The Squish back to work with me for a tic, just so she could see the building, which I guess was a bit of a debacle as she is a lucky duck and gets to wear jeans and chucks like a normal person. Unlike my corporate compatriots- gasp! Later we went to the Whitehorse Tavern but did not drink ourselves unto death like Dylan "May have been Welsh, but 'twas the scotch that killed him" Thomas.
On Saturday, Boy left for the funeral in California, which sucked and kind of made me feel badly for having fun the rest of the weekend. But not too bad. While I didn't know him, I imagine that the deceased was in favor of fun. (Arg, poor kid.)
We saw La Kristen at the vintage clothing store where she is apparently some kind of indentured servant and then encountered what amounted to a School of Visual Arts class of '02 semi-reunion in Forbidden Planet, where, not having actually gone to SVA I was thwarted in buying comics (not sure exactly what one has to do with the other but I'm sure there's something there).
nlghttrain and her
elvennomad were there!
zombiezeus was there! Oh my! In the East Village we went to a medieval Anglo Saxon mead hall complete with long tables, benches, darkness, and Depeche Mode playing (oh, wait, that's not medieval!) and drank several also not-medieval drinks.
We saw some really enormous cats in a teeny apartment and then, inexplicably, went to see the new Christina Ricci werewolf movie, "Cursed." And no, I do not recommend it (the ticket seller said "Um, okay, but it sucks, really, are you sure?").
Ultimately, Ze Squeesh and I wound up at a party in South Brooklyn at the house of the boyfriend of the roomate of La Kristen, who, now freed from her indentured servitude, looked like a fancy minty cupcake. There were some really neat people there and we talked to a guy who works as an art therapist of sorts and his girlfriend, who was really interested in Squish's books, which made me happy. We stayed there way too late and by the time we got back to my place it was getting light out, which was weird. I haven't done that in a very long time and it was really funny standing in my kitchen with Jill laughing at the color of the sky and trying to eat different things.
It wasn't so funny, however, when we then slept way too late and didn't get to go to the MoMA as planned. Then she went home and I felt bad about the lack of museuming that took place, but all in all a good time was had. Well, had by me anyway. I feel like a real person again. Oh, and I also found this
Blue Thing which, while I still don't know what it is (although thanks to
found_objects I have lots of ideas), has provided much amusement of late.