Why hello all.
If you can't see
This, then you were cut. No hard feelings I hope. I just pondered when was the last time I commented on your LJ, you did on mine, and how close I felt we were despite comment exchanging, and well, took the decision to cut or keep people.
I'll admit that couple of usernames I cut where unfamiliar to me, so if I cut you off by mistake after you changed LJ username, let me know. I really fear some people cut may be casualties to a faulty memory when it comes to new usernames.
If you didn't see the previous post about the cut or didn't have time to answer or anything, and still believe we have some things in common, I will gladly hear you out. Some of the people I cut used to be very dear to me. This was not done with dislike or hate, so please appeal if you think I was harsh.
Poll the link brings you to stays open a little longer just in case some people were late in answering there, but I've updated the filter(s) a first time.
See you soon I hope, all of you?