Fic: Smallville, Rainbow Drabbles, (Lex/Chloe)

Jan 07, 2011 01:16

7 Short fics, either obviously Chloe/Lex or heavily implied... (and when not implied like in the fic for Orange, just imply it yourself, I'm a Chloe/Lex die-hard shipper). Mostly PG-13.

Those are not my best work, but they were wrtten for a challenge at scifiverse and I needed to submit something before the deadline. Don't be too harsh, they're unbetaed.

Color: Red

As Lois pushed the hospital’s doors, she almost forgot the amount of time it took her to arrive there in the first place, too thrilled with anticipation: she couldn’t wait to meet Chloe’s kid. She strolled quickly in the hallways and made her way to the room she had been told she would find her, feeling a little like dancing.

“Hey Chlo!” She exclaimed when she pushed the door.

She hadn’t expected to be greeted by two “shush!”, that was for sure.

“Whao, rude much?” The brunette asked, when greeted with the sight of her cousin and her husband.

“Sorry Lo, but you’ll wake her!” Chloe whispered in her ear, when she went to hug her.

“Not even a day old, already a spoiled little princess!” Lois pretended to roll her eyes.

She made her way to the bassinet and had a chuckle:

“Are you sure Lex’s the father?” she asked her cousin. “’Cause this looks like a little fox…”

Receiving the Death Glare by the insulted father, Lois thought it had been worth it: the baby had bright red hair, looking like a cub.

Colour: Orange

Chloe liked to believe she was a good judge of characters, but as she stood in that atrocious dress, she needed to think back and actually ponder: had Lana been such an evil genius all along, hiding it behind doe-eyes?

“You have to be in league with Satan to plague your bridesmaids with such atrocious dresses!” Lois moaned next to her, in her Patchouli dress.

Chloe didn’t say anything, neither wanting to nod along or contradict such a statement.

“Come on, Cuz’,” she told Lois,” the sooner she marries Whitney, the sooner we get to wear normal clothing again.”

Grabbing the blonde by the elbow, Lois gruntled:

“I will hold her down if I have to, but she will be marrying Blondie. I’m getting out of that dress the moment she utters the words “I do”.”

Chloe had to laugh along, picturing her cousin undressing before the ceremony was over. She would love that wedding for sure.

Color: Yellow

She didn’t fit any of the stereotypes people associated him with, but he actually loved that. She was completely different from his previous conquests, and she felt so much truer. He felt like every woman he had dated, fucked or married (sometimes a combination of that) were some kind of past he was leaving behind as he embraced his true nature.

It was quite a paradox: it felt like he had been worshipping the Sun along with the rest of the world, going out with brunettes who were commonly acknowledged as beautiful creatures, the way it had been expected of him to do. Yet, as he raised his head and saw the blonde hair spread across his chest, he felt like he was finally worshipping his real goddess, the Moon. There was no going back, no more Desirees or Helens or even Lanas… They were creatures of the Sun, and he was in love with the Moon.

Color: Green

Chloe hummed as she worked on her laptop. She was happy, there was no denying it. She would be graduating soon, and she would be getting something close to her dream job, if her latest interview at the Daily Planet was any indication. Life was sweet.

She heard a key sound, and she turned right in time to see her boyfriend of over two years entering her small apartment, carrying what looked like to be a massive block of something.

“Hey babe!” She said.

He grunted, making his way to the table, where he dropped his burden. Straightening his wrinkled suit, he finally made his way to her, and kissed her with passion.

She laughed in the kiss, loving this, and her hands went to his bald head. She ran her fingers lightly against the back and he shivered, kissing her harder… When he released her lips, she was smiling and asked him:

“What did you bring me?”

“He went back to the table and opened the box he had been carrying. He took out a handful of leaves of paper, and came to show her.

“This is rough paper for you, a lot of it….”

She took it and saw that all pages were printed on one side, but the other was clear. She smiled even wilder if it was possible.

“You’re going green for me?” She asked.

“Luthorcorp is actually going green, because of my pushy girlfriend… I was collecting all this for you, all the drafts I had printed and used today, when my father saw it, and decided that it would be a good idea to imply that policy with every print that’s not top secret…”

She squealed and jumped to hug him.

“I love you, I love you, I love you!” She exclaimed. “I’m going to be able to print all my draft for my papers on those before I turn in my final drafts! You’re amazing!”

He just smiled, happy that she was so happy with him. This new policy was going to be tricky for Luthorcorp, but if it made Chloe so happy, he could deal with the mess…

Color: Blue

Chloe was having a day off, off her usual cheerfulness. To be quite honest, she felt pretty shitty. She was curled on her couch, having no intention to go to class or to work today. She didn’t even feel like calling in sick.. She just wanted to stay there, and brood. She just wasn’t feeling good today, and she hated that the reason she was so defeated was so futile…

Lois tried to call her on her cellphone a few times, but she never answered, so when she heard someone knock on her door, she just yelled:

“Go away Lois, I don’t want to see you!”

“Open the door, Chloe”, a male voice answered.

She groaned into her pillow, then reluctantly made her way to said door. She opened it, knowing she looked like a mess and couldn’t do anything about it. Lex took a quick look at her attire, and grabbed her by the waist, pulling her into a hug as he let himself in.

She melted into his embrace, pouting still. She didn’t know if she wanted him there, but if he felt like hugging her even though she looked like hell, then she would take that. He took them back to the couch, and settled her on his knees, pushing her head on his shoulder.

“What are you doing here, don’t you have big meetings and stuff to attend?” She asked.

“Lois called me and told me you were having a bad day, so I came here.”

She moaned a little, touched by his gesture yet embarrassed by her reaction.

“So, what’s going on?” He asked. “Why are you so blue?”

She buried her nose in his shoulder and said, defeated:

“You’re going to laugh at me…”

“Chloe, I would never laugh at you….” (When she looked at him with clear disbelief on her face, he had to backpedal a bit: ) Okay, maybe I could laugh at you, but if it’s making you so miserable, then I won’t laugh… Just tell me what’s going on… Is it because of last night, when Lana almost caught us having sex at theTtalon?”

How could he be right on the first guess? He would always surprise her. She didn’t want to say it out loud, but she nodded in answer.

“It’s not the end of the world, who cares what Lana thinks?” Lex said.

“You don’t get it!” Chloe exclaimed. “When you left and I was left alone with her, she told me that she knew that things were not what they looked like, that we couldn’t possibly have been making out in here or anything, because I wasn’t your type and never would be… She never thought for a second that she actually almost caught us in the act, because she doesn’t think I could hold your interest! I hate it! I hate her, and I hate the fact that what she says affects me so much!”

Lex blinked a couple of times, completely baffled and finally said:

“That girl is even dafter than I thought, it’s quite mind blowing. You had your pants down, and I was on my knees in front of you, what did she think I was doing, checking a mole for you to let you know if I thought it could be cancerous?”

“That’s exactly what she thought…”

“Well, fuck her,” he said once again. “No wait, I’ve got a better idea…”

She eyed him suspiciously and said:

“Will I like it?”

“You will, believe me… Now go get dressed, we need to move…”

She did as he was told, though she felt a little wary about this. However, an hour later, when she was in his arms, sitting in a booth at the talon, necking and making out like teenagers under Lana’s shocked eyes, she had to give him credit. This was definitely what she needed to get out of her funk.

Color: Purple

“Nice flowers Chlo!” Lois exclaimed when she spotted the bouquet on her cousin’s desk.

The blonde didn’t say anything, just grinning happily, as she took in their smell. Lois smiled back, happy to see Chloe in such a good mood. She thought to herself that her date the previous night must have been a very good one to warrant such a floral arrangement. Then again, her date was known for doing things over the top more often than not… Maybe the date had been average, and she just couldn’t tell because she couldn’t decipher his language?

But if Chloe’s smile was any indication… The woman knew how to read him better than a lie detector…

“What are those?” Clark asked when he came around from Perry’s office.

“Flowers, Smallville, never heard of those?” Lois said dryly.

He looked daggers at her, and Chloe laughed out loud at their dynamics. He came in front of the bouquet, and said:

“Lavender and Lilacs… And is that a rose?” He asked pointing to the violet flower.

The blonde nodded, before grabbing her cellphone, quickly typing a number and going away to have a conversation.

“Who did she go out with?” Clark asked Lois, looking perplex.

She rolled her eyes and said:

“ You really don’t know? Think hard, if you can… Who is known for loving purple above all colors?”

He looked baffled, and when he obviously thought of his former friend, he swore loudly. Lois smiled as wildly as Chloe had been doing. She was going to have fun watching Clark watching the new couple. This was bound to be funny…

Color: Pink

“And this is why Luthorcorp is standing one hundred percent by the Mayor,” Lionel explained, looking regal on his throne-like seat.

The journalist was too impressed, wondering what she could ask next as he had been dodging like a master all the embarrassing questions she had tried to bring up. She gulped a couple of times, trying to come up with something witty to at least leave some sort of impression on the business magnate.

Just as she was about to speak, the doors of the office were pushed open, and two small tornados barged in. The journalist looked in awe at the two kids, one barely more than a toddler, one with red hair and the other with blonde one, as they chirped:

“Grand-Pa Yoyo!”

The Luthor Patriarch blushed faintly, his cheek becoming a little pinker.

“Grand-Pa is working, now is not the time!” He exclaimed.

Yet his actions didn’t match the sternness of his statement, as he let both the toddlers climb on his desk and on his knees.

He saw the way she was looking at him, and said in a white voice:

“I blame my daughter in law for this nickname. As we were already on a first name basis when she married my son, she decided to give me this pet name, and the children find it easier to say than my given name, when they need to call me. “

She stood frozen on the spot, not sure what to do with this information, nor with this piece of intimacy she was witnessing.

“Kittens,” the lion like man said to his two grand-daughters, “I need to finish this…”

“But Momma said you would come with us and Grand Pa Gabe to see the parade!” One of the two girls said.

“And I will, just give me a few more minutes to wrap this up, and I’ll come and meet you. Though you should go and make sure your father is ready to go too!” He suggested to appease them.

They looked at each other, then started chirping in agreement, running away to get their father.

Lionel looked as dignified as he usually did, but something was broken as far as she was concerned.

“I’ll answer truthfully one of your ridiculous questions about one of your so called hot topics if you manage to keep the nickname off your article.” He said, looking like he had swallowed something bitter.

“Of course, Mr Luthor,” she finally said. “ I can see how being known as Yoyo could affect your credibility.”

Laughing silently, she quickly chose one of the questions he had dodged, in payment for her cooperation.

scifiverse, fanfiction, [smallville]character: chloe sullivan, fic: smallville, (public), [smallville]pairing: chloe/lex

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