Fic: Fire, Harry Potter, Draco/Ginny

Dec 02, 2010 13:49

Title: Fire
Summary: He comes to her at night
Characters/Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Ginny Weasley
Genre: Fluffy angst
Rating/Warnings: R for caution
Word Count: 450
A/N: Written for the Harry Potter non canon Comment Ficathon, for the prompt Ginny Weasley/Draco Malfoy, Set yourself on fire.
It's unbetaed and small, but I wanted to write this one.

She waits for him at night, and he never disappoints.

He will show up at her window, like Romeo on Juliet's balcony, with a sour expression on his face. She knows he's annoyed at himself. He wants to stay away, away from her, away from the danger she represents, but he can't help himself. She could comfort him and let him know that she feels the same, that she wishes she didn't need him so much, that she didn't feel ill to her stomach when she tried to not send him that owl that would have him show up, but she doesn't. It's the only control she has over this situation, or so it feels. She's helpless when it comes to him, and so is he for her. He may act like she's summoning him night after night, but he comes willingly. He comes because he needs her more than the air in his lungs.

He will jump lightly off her window, quickly throwing a Muffliato spell, soundproofing her bedroom. He will brush some imaginary dust of his shoulder, avoiding looking at her. She will keep on working on whatever paperwork she's dealing with, but a shiver will run down her spine, a delicious one. She sometimes feel like she's only living for that shiver, but then again she also looks forward for what will come next.

He will break first, and come to her, sitting on her bed, next to her desk. He'll slowly caress her hair, his eyes fixated on her neck. He will feel bolder and kiss the vein that beats there, and she will smile both from the sensations and the satisfaction. She likes that he can't stay around her and not touch her. Then it will be her turn to give in, and she will kiss him, dropping her quill to grab his face gently.

He will try to regain control when they break apart, by saying something along the lines of "you called?" but she will see through this, for what it is and just answer: "You came."

His hands threaded carefully in her hair, caressing the red locks, he will smile faintly.

They won't mention Harry or Astoria, what would be the point? They both know they shouldn't be getting together, but they can't fight what they have.

"You will burn me alive one day," he will say, lifting her to lay her down on the bed.

"You'll die a happy man when I do." She will answer cheekily, yet knowingly.

And they will stop talking, except for moans and gasps. He calls her Phoenix because of her fierce hair colour, but she burns for him as much as he does for her.

fanfiction, [harry potter]pairing: draco/ginny, fic: harry potter, (public)

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