Picspam: Walter & Olivia, Father & Daughter

May 31, 2010 22:56

And I bring to you, my First picspam for the jjverse Big Bang Challenge, tada!

This is not an exhaustive list of Walter and Olivia's interactions, but these are those that felt important to me. I'm gonna try to show with a few scenes why to me, they have something that resemble a lot a father and daughter relationship, I hope you will agree with me.

A Shared Past

Voices on The Videotape:
William Bell: Is the incident contained?
Female Voice: Yes, Doctor Bell.
William Bell: How bad?
Female Voice: Bad.
William Bell: Casualties?
Female Voice: Not sure yet. We can't locate Brenner.
William Bell: Is she okay?
Female Voice: She is fine.
William Bell: Hell, do we know what triggered it?
Walter: Obviously she was upset, William. (To the child) It's okay. It's alright now. Nobody is angry with you. You didn't do anything bad. It's alright Olive... everythings going to be okay.

1x17 - Bad Dreams

Why This Scene? - After assuming that Olivia hadn't been part of the Jacksonville experiment, Walter searched his files and found this videotape. The look on his face as he gets the confirmation that he knows Olivia from way before, and most importantly that she was one of his test subject is heartbreaking. Walter has become such a different person than the man he used to be before Saint-Claire, he would never have felt guilty before, but in this scene, you can tell he felt crushed by his past actions. This secret will weigh a lot on their relationship.

Walter: Agent Dunham.
Olivia: Where's Peter?
Walter: Peter's in the bathroom.
Olivia: What the hell did you people do to us? (opens a portfolio, removes and displays photos) You and William Bell, Walter. What did you do to me? Susan Pratt and Nancy Lewis are from Jacksonville, Florida. Just like Nick Lane, the guy that you conducted drug trials on when he was a kid. The drug trials that you conducted on me.
Walter: They were Belly's. They were his trials.
Olivia: You knew. Walter, you were there and you knew.
Walter: We were trying to help. We meant no harm.
Olivia: No harm? You were drugging children. Three-year-old children, Walter. Why did you do it?
Walter: We were trying to prepare you. To make you capable. Able. Something terrible is coming.
Olivia: What?
Walter: I don't know.
Olivia: Walter, what did you do to us?
Walter: I don't know.
Olivia: Damn it, Walter, you do!
Walter: No, I don't. I don't. I - I can't remember. I'm sorry.

1x19 - The Road Not Taken

Why This Scene? - The confrontation between Olivia and Walter is so intense. You can tell she felt betrayed upon discovering the man she had come to know and trust was part of what happened to her when she was a child. Walter breaking down made my heart ache. I coudln't be mad at Olivia for the hurt she felt, but I couldn't hate Walter either because of how transformed he has become.

From the Videotape
William Bell: Is she okay?
Female Voice: She is fine.
William Bell: Hell, do we know what triggered it?
Walter: Obviously she was upset, William. It's okay. It's alright, Olive. (End Of the Tape)

Olivia: That's me. What happened?
Walter: This was the first time you saw the other side. You were frightened. Started a fire with your mind. It should have worked. This is the very sort of thing that William and I were preparing for.
Olivia: You abused us, Walter -- me and those other children.
Walter: No, we -- we were trying to help you. We were trying to make you more than you were.
Olivia: Is that what you were doing? Or were you searching for answers to questions that you shouldn't have been asking in the first place?
Walter: I was a different man then.
Olivia: I was a defenseless child.
Walter: Yes, you were. Yes, you were. Olivia, I think I'm starting to understand why the process didn't work. You are different. You're not that frightened child anymore. I thought all we needed was a heightened emotional response from you, but I was wrong. We needed a specific one. Fear. And you're not capable of that anymore. Well, not like she was. What we did to you -- you found a way to protect yourself. You channeled your fear into anger, which is why you are so good at your job. But if you want to save those people, you have to find your way back to that scared little girl.
Olivia: And how do we do that?
Walter: I don't know.

2x15 - Jacksonville

Why This Scene? - This is the continuation of their shared terrible past. Olivia needs to come over what was done to her and learn to manage her ability. This confrontation with Walter was needed because of all the things unspoken left between them. The two of them watching that tape of her was incredibly necessary, for Olivia to remember, and for Walter to find a place of some sort to start making amends. You can tell nothing will be forgotten about that experiment, you can only hope at some point it will get forgiven. You want Olivia to forgive Walter but you also want Walter to start forgiving himself.

What was done to Olivia by Bell and Walter is this conflict, this open wound between them, that injures their relationship, yet they "get past" it, to live their everyday life. In that present life they share, you can see the strong feelings they have for each other, and the respect they hold for the other.

Where they are now

Walter: It's all rather tense, isn't it?
Peter: He's gonna come. Assuming, of course, they text each other.
Olivia: (into her walkie-talkie) Do you see him yet?
Charlie: (answers from his vehicle) No, not yet.
Walter: Peter was really worried about you when you were gone.
Peter: Walter.
Walter: You were.
Peter: Well, of course I was worried.
Walter: He was really worried.

Broyles: You need to get some rest. I think you've earned it.
Olivia: I'll see you tomorrow. Thank you. Thank you.
Peter: He's right. You should get home.
Olivia: What did he mean he saved me? what the hell was that?
Peter: He was messing with you. Well, I don't know. I mean, did you see him? There was something about the way he said that. The man's insane, Olivia.
Walter: I concur, and in the category of 'takes one to know one'... That man did seem disturbed.
Olivia: But then why take me?
Peter: Because they wanted to hurt you. They knew that you were investigating them. They wanted to take you out.
Olivia: Then why not just kill me?
Peter: You're talking about a man who infects people with giant viruses. If you hadn't escaped, who knows what they would have done to you. Listen to me, you'd just told him that you killed his wife. He said that to you to try and get a reaction out of you, to get to you. Let it go. You got his confession. Go home.
Walter: I was worried, too, when you were taken.
Olivia: Thank you, Walter.
Walter: Not as much as him, of course.
Peter: Walter.
Walter: It's true.

1x11 - Bound

Why Those Scenes? - After a lot of episodes when Walter was growing accustomed again to being in the real life, and after snapping so many times at Olivia, these were imo two of the cutest scenes ever. He was genuinely worried about what had happened to Olivia, and he brought it up in two separate occasions, managing to out his son's feelings at the same time, because otherwise, he wouldn't be Walter. I loved the devious way he found to express his attachment to Olivia.

Olivia: Walter, what are you doing here?
Walter: You left me no choice. You wouldn't answer your telephone, return my messages. I tried to communicate.
Olivia: I need time, okay? I don't even know... how to begin to work this out.
Walter: I think I do. Please, Olivia, I need to explain. And if you wouldn't mind, I could use a sip of something, myself. Have you told Agent Broyles?
Olivia: No. But to be honest, that doesn't mean that I won't.
Walter: I always knew that one day I'd have to pay the price for my deception.
Olivia: Well, we're not really sure what the cost is yet, are we?

2x16 - Peter

Why This Scene? - Because Walter trusts Olivia with his secret. After begging her not to tell Peter that he is from the other universe, he doesn't just wait for her reaction, he feels the need to explain to her what he did. Walter doesn't trust anybody he doesn't have to, but this secret of his is perhaps his biggest weakness. Instead of just letting her deal with the fact that he stole a kid from another world, he comes to her, and tells her the whole story, baring his soul to her. The way she keeps silent when he's done telling his story is terrifying, as Walter has never been as vulnerable, even when he was back in Saint-Claire.

Walter: Agent Dunham. Hello.
Olivia: Hi. Uh, is Peter here?
Walter: Uh, no. No, he went out.
Olivia: Okay, good, because I would like to talk to you.
Walter: Agent Dunham...
Olivia: Walter, please. Please, Walter. Just... let me finish. I think that you may be right. I think that maybe some truths can do more harm than good and that some Pandora's Boxes are better left unopened. So... I'm not gonna tell Peter.
Walter: Thank you, Olivia. Well, the truth is I've done enough damage, and it's time to start to put things right... whatever the consequences. And that starts with telling Peter the truth. I have to tell him who he really is.

2x17 - Olivia. In The Lab. With The Revolver

Why This Scene? Because Olivia decides ultimately to trust Walter. She holds his secret in her hands, and decides to trust him. At the same time, after confiding in her, Walter comes to the conclusion that he needs to tell Peter. I love the fact that he can tell her, that he trusts her enough to tell her he will come clean. The look on her face is amazing, like she's almost proud of his decision, yet wary of the consequences. Yet, you'll know she'll stand by him. Like a good daughter for her father

Walter: They had no right to make me wait at the police station. It's the makers of those toaster pastries that should be in jail.
Astrid: Let it go, Walter. You're home now, and you're safe.
Walter: (looks at the messy room) I wasn't expecting guests.
Astrid: Walter... why didn't you tell me you needed help?
Walter: What am I going to do -- call you every time I run out of 'Pudding Pops'?
Olivia: Yes, if you need them.
Walter: I need to learn to care for myself. If Peter doesn't come back --
Olivia: Walter...
Walter: They'll send me back to the hospital, won't they?
Olivia: I won't let that happen.
Walter: Thank you. I do... I do need 'Pudding Pops'.

2x21 - Northwest Passage

Why This Scene? - I guess it's a continuation of the previous one. Walter didn't get the time to come clean to Peter and now pays the price. But this is not the real reason I chose that scene. I love the way Astrid and Olivia stick together and are there for Walter in his time of need. They remind me of sisters, if you will, coming together to help their grieving/anxious father. Olivia stands back a little in this scene, but she's there for Walter, whatever he needs.

Olivia: Walter.
Walter: Olivia. It is you, isn't it?
Olivia: Yes, Walter.
Walter: Prove it.
Olivia: Come on, Walter. We don't have time for this.
Walter: Ah... yes, it is you. That's wonderful. Hi.
Olivia: Hi.

Olivia: Okay. Walter, can you walk?
Walter: I can dance, if you like. They have absolutely fabulous drugs here, Olivia. I feel great. Oh, and look, look, look. Accelerated healing techniques. It -- it's miraculous.
Olivia: Okay, come on, Walter. Bell's waiting for us.
Walter: Belly's here?
Olivia: Yes. Yes, he is.
Walter: That's nice of him to finally show up.

2x23 - Over There Part 2

Why This Scene? - I love the normalcy of it. They're in another universe, looking for Peter who ran away, yet they have such normal interactions. I also adore the way Olivia takes precious care of Walter who's not as injured as she expected him to be. I love how she indulges him by looking at his wound when you can really tell they don't have time for that, the way Peter would have if he had been the one in this position. For Walter's equilibrium, Olivia doesn't mind walking in Peter's footsteps and being in charge of what were his responsabilities, because it's Walter and she loves him.

Their mutual love and respect really moves me, especially when you consider all the thing they had to move past to get to this point in their relationship when they know they can rely on each other. I hope you will have seen it the same way I did.

A possible future

This is kind of my "bonus picspam", too cute to pass.

Walter: (driving up to the crime scene, distracted, chatty) I quite like weddings. Did I ever tell you about when your mother and I, God rest her soul, got married?
Peter: No, no, no. I think I missed that one. And try to stop driving with both feet. Walter, Walter!
Walter: She was so beautiful, Peter. So beautiful in white. I won't deny I was never happier. I kept my tuxedo in the hope that one day I would have a son who would wear it. You could wear it on your wedding day.
Peter: Yeah, you know, Walter? Tuxedo styles change.
Walter: Oh, nonsense. Purple never goes out of style. And the day may come sooner than you think. Do you think she'll call me Dad?
Peter: Who?
Walter: Agent Dunham.
Peter: My guess would be no. (approaching Olivia and Manning)
Walter: Don't look at me like that. She's just what you need. Someone who can see right through you. Agent Dunham, don't you look lovely today? Doesn't she look lovely, Peter?
Peter: (flat, appeasing Walter) You look lovely, Agent Dunham.
Walter: Doctor Walter Bishop. How do you do?
Olivia: Lose a bet?
Peter: It was either that or flying lessons.

2x14 - The Bishop Revival

Why This Scene? - I loved how random this is! And Walter's "Will she call me Dad?" never fails to make me squee. Walter wants Olivia to be part of the family, and what is the most natural way but to have her marry Peter? Just for the record, I'm totally okay for that scenario in the long run! I love the fact that Walter is basically Peter and Olivia's first shipper. I love matchmaker!Walter.

Hope you will have liked this!

* Made for the jjverse Big Bang Challenge
* Ressources: and Daydreaming For the First Season, inadream_caps for season 2. Coloring by me (obviously).
* Here for the transcripts.
* Comments are love! First picspam guys, I'm quite nervous about it...
* Special Shout for wildpages, you know why babe! ♥

picspam, tv: fringe, jjverse, (public)

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