Fic: Twilight, Scars And Crimson, Alice/Jasper, Edward

Apr 06, 2009 01:11

This week again I got the mod's choice award at the challenge community, amaranth_sunset, which appears to be closing up, so I'm glad I made these two challenges... The prompt was harder, since it was a non canon pairing, but I'm glad I did okay... I have to thank blinkan3y3 who gave me the base idea of the fic, without her help I wouldn't have been able to write anything because the prompt wasn't prompting anything as far as I was concerned...

Title: Scars and Crimson
Pairing: Jasper/Edward, friendship
Rating: PG
Summary: Edward hears some of Jasper’s thoughts and comes to investigate
Prompt: #2nd prompt, The Color of Life
Number of words: 500

After Alice and Jasper joined the Cullen family:

The house was quiet today, in a peaceful way. Rosalie and Alice had dragged Emmet in town for some shopping, much to his dismay. Carlisle was at the hospital, and Esme was gardening. Edward could barely hear her thoughts… Jasper was in his own room. Since Alice and he had joined the family only a couple of weeks ago, Edward wasn’t as attuned to their minds, so he wasn’t automatically hearing their thoughts, unless he tried really hard.

He currently wasn’t trying to, but he heard them either way: Jasper had to be pretty agitated to project his thoughts so loudly.

“Oh Alice…. You deserve so much better… Someone like Edward maybe…”

Startled, Edward left his own bedroom and knocked on Jasper’s door.

“Come In. What’s got you so perplexed pal?”

For a moment, Edward had completely forgotten about Jasper’s empathic powers.

“It’s just, I heard some of your thoughts when I wasn’t trying to, and they kind of startled me,” Edward said, embarrassed. “Something about Alice…”

“Oh.” Jasper said. “I was just… Look at me,” he said before unbuttoning his shirt.

What Edward saw there was a multitude of scars, and though he didn’t know all the details about Jasper’s life, he could only assume that they were the vestiges of some tortures inflicted on his new brother. Edward regained his composure and said:

“And? What does that have to do with Alice deserving better?”

“I was looking at myself in the mirror, and I couldn’t help but compare the two of us. I’m ugly, I’ve got these scars… And my eyes… They’re crimson, because of the misstep I took a couple of months ago… How can Alice want me? I’ve always had that thought in the back of my head, but now that we’ve joined your family, I feel even more inadequate. You and Alice hit off immediately… Your powers complement each other so perfectly. And you don’t have those scars, or my shady past… Alice is life, and I am death.”

“Cut it out, will you? You don’t know about my past. I’m no angel. So you’ve got scars… Big deal. They’re just details. I’ve heard your thoughts before, and I know how much you love Alice and how you’re willing to change for her. I’ve heard her thoughts too, and she loves you. I’ve seen the two of you together, and you’re made for each other. The color of your eyes? Another detail, one that will fade… Haven’t you read Wilde? He used to say that details were vulgar. And he was right… So put your shirts back on, because your pixie is going to come back any minute soon, and we wouldn’t her to catch us in a compromising situation… I don’t want her to think I was trying to seduce you…”, Edward said with a wink.

Jasper buttoned up his shirt speedily, seconds before Alice entered the room and said:

“Hello boys, had a nice chat?”

fanfiction, (public), [twilight]pairing: alice/jasper, [twilight]character: edward, fic: twilight

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