To all the seniors out there....YEAH!!

Oct 19, 2005 16:46

Today was interesting...everything was peechy keen until 5th period... now usually I have no problems with teachers... I get along with them fine and always get on their good side... I have done nothing to Mr. Fleming to piss him off... but today the class was in complete chaos (as it always is... seriously we have learned nothing in that class and quite frankly I feel I am wasting my time) and Rachel Day, Jeremy and I were making up a test in this chaos...and becuase the class was a joke... we still participated in to conversation our friends were having... Fleming says to knock it I almost done w/ my test and Rachael and Jeremy are still talking (trust me I couldnt care less about their talking I was just tuning them out) then Jeremy said something slightly amusing and I turned around and laughed at him and Fleming screams "JUNOT!! Stop talking or I'll take your test" Im like wtf... just because I actually care about your class and everytime I dont understand something I make sure to clairify after class... (I did that once) or is it the fact that I am vocal that you are not one of my favorites... its quite humerous that he thinks that ppl are going to have "study sessions" with you before the test (we will be in economics) hes effin nuts... why would I put in extra time that you wasted ranting and raving about useless information so I can cram for 2 weeks... Im just sick of him and his lack of teaching skills...

PiSsEd OfF,

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