Drunken Kisses [for trancer21].

May 20, 2007 10:55

Title: Drunken Kisses.
Author: pinkamethyst.
Rating: PG, if that. Bit of swearing, nothing else.
Summary: Ash probably had rules about the amount of effort one should put into drunken kisses too. Scribbs made a mental note to ask her about it when she was somewhat more sober.
Prompt: Cricket.
Word Count: 1400.

Author's Note: Not beta-d because I've had so many laptop/internet/electricity problems recently, I haven't had access to email. And I don't think I stuck with the prompt very well...sorry. Hope it's alright. :)

Ash probably had rules about the amount of effort one should put into drunken kisses too. Scribbs made a mental note to ask her about it when she was somewhat more sober.

ficathon07, fan fiction

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