Caroline Catz series coming to DVD!

Apr 22, 2007 20:03

I was surfing around and was scanning down a list of releases that are coming out in the next couple of months and one caught my eye...

DOC MARTIN - Series 1, $29.99 MSRP. June 12. 2 discs, 280 minutes.

The reason it's of interest is because Caroline Catz, Ash, plays "pretty primary school teacher Louisa Glasson." I don't know about everyone else, but I can certainly see the lovely Ash as a schoolmarm. This is from... 2004-present, so I'm assuming it's what she did after Murder in Suburbia. Which means she went from working with Scribbs to working with kids. Seems like kind of a lateral move to me ;-D

Sorry if this has already been mentioned... I didn't remember seeing anything about it. Much apologies if I just overlooked a bulletin! :D

dvd, caroline catz, other shows

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