So, you know how people ask "What was your most embarassing momet?"....

Feb 09, 2006 18:07

Today was rather embarassing..... I just realized that I do weird things and people find that amusing to them somehow.... oh well...

Today, I turned my geometry homework in late, because I was going to copy off of Cody, but he wasn't there... So we did this group thing, I don't talk to anyone in my stupid group, and they're all stupid. So, in the review game that we played, I had to answer all the questions, our group came in second, and that's all thinks to me. English sucked, I failed the quiz. Ms. Walek doesn't ask quetions clearly enough, that's why. Then, in info tech, I was leaning over to talk to Kat, and my chair was kinda off the ground, then Travis Swanson is stupid and just kicks the chair out from under my butt, so I fell on the ground, and the whole class saw. Ugh...

And then in band, we were listening to a recording of Joyance. That's the only song I half-way like, so I was looking at my music. During a slow part with a long fermata, I was looking at the next part, which was a faster tempo, and an accented eigth note. I wasn't expceting it, but when it came, boy did I jump. Everyone in the whole band saw it, then told the people in WE and symphonic. Ugh... I guess that's just how my life goes... lol.

So today was an interesting day...
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