Fun times

Oct 30, 2005 23:55

10 Firsts:
[First Best Friend]: Lauren
[First Screen Name]: That was so long ago that I honestly don't remember
[First Piercing]: My ears when I was a baby
[First Crush]: Andrew in Kindergarden, yeah I started becoming boy crazy real young lol
[First Music]: old school 80s Whitney Houston
[First Car]: I have no vehicle
[First love]: Right now, my Matthew :)
[First stuffed animal]: My brown bunny that my mommy got me the day I was born, I couldnt sleep without it for like, 12 years
[First Time Being Drunk]: Either 15 or 16, I don't remember
[First Job]: Babysitting

9 Lasts:
[Last Cigarette]: like 15 minutes ago
[Last Alcoholic beverage]: Last night, that was the first time in a few months tho believe it or not
[Last Car Ride]: From Wal Mart today
[Last Movie Seen in theatres]: Dark Waters
[Last Phone Call]: Matthew
[Last Kiss]: Matthew
[Last CD Played]: A burnt one
[Last bubble bath]: Like 10 million years ago
[Last time you cried]: Last Tuesday

8 Have You Evers:
[Have You Ever Been Out Side The Country]: Canada
[Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends]: I am right now.
[Ever Been Arrested]: Nope
[Have You Ever Skinny Dipped]: nope
[Have You Ever Been on TV]: Only for sports shit but it was when I was like 11
[Have You Ever Kissed Someone and Then Regretted It]: Oh yes.
[Have You Ever had a Suggestive Dream About Someone You Knew]: Yes, yes I have haha It was so interesting that apparently I was making noises in my sleep and had to be woken up believe it or not, how embarassing is that?? for real...
[Have you ever cheated]: Nope

6 Things You've Done Today:
1. Went to Wal Mart to drop off my Halloween party pics from last night
2. went to work to get my family food because they were hungry and wanted to use my discount
3. Ate at Subway cuz its yummu and I love it
4. Showered
5. Talked to Matthew for 3 hours tonight :)
6. Watched scary movies

4.People You Can Tell Anything to:
1. Matthew
2. Mel
3. My brother
4. My daddy

3 Choices:
1. Black or White: White
2. Hot or Cold: Hot
3. Sun or Rain: Sunny
2 Things You Want to Do Before you die:
1. Have a family
2. Make someone happy

1 thing you regret: Not saving my refund checks from freshman year and wasting it all on alcohol (when I became a drunk for 2 years of my life), and because of that, I was forced to take this semester off since I was too poor to go back
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