Nov 12, 2010 22:58
I hope Dee and Rich are having a great time in Kenya and aren't too disturbed by roaring lions and bellowing elephants at night! I trust Jenny has had a brilliant time Downunder and enjoyed a good flight back to Heathrow today.
Weather in Blighty has been particularly pooey this week with the barometer showing the deepest depression I've seen for many months. Coupled with strong winds and heavy rain it has turned cold which has meant that the Ashridge heating has been turned up and is on for most of the day. This is a pity since the thieving toe-rags at British Gas have today announced a 7% hike in energy prices. Yesterday I declared summer over and put the winter curtains up at Ashridge. The days are now exceedingly short and it seems that a day consists of getting up, having breakfast, going a walk, having lunch, going another walk and then it's dark again. There are some adorable young calves on the moor at the moment and I must remember to take some piccies for Beatrice.
On Tuesday we spent a day in Exeter. First at the public record officer researching Marilyn's tree. This is getting really interesting as she has now got back to the 1540's in one line and has made contact with rellies all over the world. I haven't touched my tree for ages and am still at 1738. Highlight for me in Exeter was a visit to the cathedral. I have a new found love of old buildings and churches in particular. The ghosts of those before are captured in these structures. The Cathedral at Exeter has the most stunningly beautiful and immense vaulted roof. This vaulted roof is reputed to be the longest in the world. The painted stone bosses are.....ok. I'll use the word ..AWESOME!
On Wednesday it was a visit to the quack for me. I have been feeling very tired and having hot/cold tight sensations in my lower legs and in my arms recently. These have caused me to wake in the night. I feel sure that medication to control angina is the cause of this and the doctor concurs. However, I've been referred back to my cardiologist in watch this space. On top of this I leaned over to open the passenger door in Daisy , for my lady wife, a couple of months ago and something twanged in my left shoulder. I have been in pain since, particularly when putting on shirts, jumpers, etc. Any road up our kid, I've now been advised to go and see a physio! Bummer! I won't mention that my Blepharitis has flared up again. No, I wont!:) But it has, so ointment is smeared into my eyes now. But I'm not one to complain, am I? God knows I'm not!
A seaside visit tomorrow to see what the gales have washed up. AND a chance of Fish, Chips and Mushy Peas to boot. Red emperor or sweet lip? I'll go for the cod please.
I was now going to write my thoughts on the week in politics. I can't be bothered because you already know what a bunch of chameleons we now have in government and the worst one of all is that spineless bog-rat the Lib Dem leader. About time he stood up and said no to these draconian Tory policies but I guess he, like his Lib-Dem ministers, he is still shocked at the unexpected rise to government so he is not not going to ruin the feeling quite yet. A spider has just walked across the keyboard as I type so I'm going to leave it in peace. N'night all.