For some reason on Saturday I was ridiculously tired despite getting more sleep Friday night than I normally do. Like goofy falling asleep standing up tired. So when I saw this out of the corner of my eye in the ethnic food section, it drove me to my knees I was laughing so hard.
Sometimes you just can't get enough spicy cock in your soup. Moving onward, I give you a music video! While it is both amusing and frightening, I bring it to your attention because of its delicious lack of self awareness or irony.
Click to view
Also, if I get it stuck in other peoples' heads, it will get out mine. Lastly, you shall have stories from my childs' hoods.
The other day Solace was boldly declaring herself to be an alien angel princess with an emphasis on alien. I asked her where she was from, but she said she didn't know. Since the crash of the cosmic space palace obviously gave her amnesia, I decided to help jog her memory.
"Are you from the Pleiades?"
"Are you from Sirius?"
"Are you from Lyra?"
"What about Zeta Reticuli?"
"Well, where are you from then?"
"I'm from Canada!"
It is also important to note that Jhy's heroes are Iron Man, Richard Dawkins, Leonardo da Vinci, and Dr. Frankenstein, and he will often randomly exclaim "I'm going to rule the world... WITH SCIENCE!"