Just a reminder for you all to check out the excellent posts made over at
Sinister Reads concerning the Australian assault on the upcoming
Bram Stoker Award recommendations.
Here is a full list of the posts:
Anthology/Collection Recommendations, including Amanda Pillar & Jennifer Brozek for Grants Pass, and Paul Haines ~ Slice of Life
Recommended for Short Fiction, including Joanne Anderton, David Conyers & Brian M. Sammons, Jason Crowe, Miranda Siemienowicz and Felicity Dowker.
Recommended for Collection, for
Shane Jiraiya Cummings and
SHARDS: Short Sharp Tales - I'm especially happy for Shane on this one as I was heavily involved, being the illustrator for all 39 of the stories included in the collection.
Recommended for Long Fiction, including Felicity Dowker (again!), Matt Venne, and me for my story 'The Message' from
Midnight Echo #2.
First Novel Recommendations, including Kaaron Warren for Slights, and Stephen M Irwin for The Dead Path'.
Non-Fiction Recommendation, for Rocky Wood's Stephen King: Uncollected, Unpublished.
Thanks to Juliet Bathory and the Sinister Reads team for making these posts available and keeping everyone updated and informed on the efforts and achievements of Australian authors and editors in these most prestigious awards.
So, what are you waiting for? Get over there and check out how well all these Aussies (and a couple of non-Aussie collaborators) are doing on the International scene!