The Dumbshow - More clowns find their way into print

Dec 05, 2008 12:19

I'm a happy little chappy this morning!

I just received an email from the CSFG 'Masques' anthology editors to tell me that my story 'The Dumbshow' has been accepted for inclusion!

I'm over the moon about this as I think it is a really fun story. I know it was lots of fun to write, as all my 'Clowntown' stories are, but this one also isn't quite as dark as I'd normally write either. It's not even set in Clowntown, but more 'Mimes do Shakespeare's The Tempest in Hicksville USA'.

I do know that the story wouldn't have been anywhere near as good as I think it is if it wasn't for the new Australian Horror Writers Association online crit-group, and the guiding editorial hand of Gillian Polack [gillpolack]. The AHWA crit group tore into the story like there was no tomorrow, and it is definitely all the better for it. Gillian offered various suggestions on the tales's depth and characterisation and really made me think about the story in some very different ways.

So, that's made me so happy I don't feel like doing any more work today. Think I'll just enjoy myself, read a book, play a PC game, or watch a DVD... at least until the boys get home, and then its good-bye quiet time. I might as well enjoy those last 2 1/2 hours while I can!

clowntown, dumbshow, writing, acceptance, masques anthology

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