Help Yourself - novel progress

Nov 19, 2008 12:18

Whenever I set myself to a task I can be sure that disaster will surely ensue. Since I posted that I was starting this novel project I had received a flurry of urgent client requests to fix and update websites. My mum's knee has become infected and she's had to go back to hospital for an antibiotic drip. I've been wiped out with a pulled neck muscle and a cold (not a flu, luckily!). And, today, the teachers had a stop work meeting so the boys were here all morning making noise and asking for things.

Nevertheless, I finally sat down last night and got things started. First chapter is done and chapter two is coming fine so far. I'm looking at getting a few more words written this afternoon.  The current word count?

Help Yourself - wordcount

1,000 / 100,000

help yourself, writing

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