(no subject)

Jun 24, 2005 11:41

[  ] I am bisexual or homosexual.
[X] I've consumed alcohol.
[ ] I've run away from home.
[X] I have lied to my parents about where I am.
[  ] I don't like Bush because from what I hear, he is dumb.
[X] I don't like Bush with my own reasons to back it up.
[  ] I am for Bush.
[  ] I listen to political music.
[  ] I collect comic books.
[ ] I shut others out when I'm depressed.
[X] I open up to others easily.
[X] I am keeping a secret from the world.
[X] I watch the news.
[X] I own over 5 rap CDs.
[X] I own an iPod or MP3 player.
[x] I own something from Hot Topic.
[X] I love Disney Movies
[X] I am a sucker for hair/eyes
[X] I don't kill bugs.
[x] I curse regularly.
[x] I paid for that cell phone ring.
[x] I am a sports fanatic.
[X] I have "x"s in my screen name.
[  ] I've slipped out an "lol" in a real conversation.
[  ] I love Spam.
[X] I bake well.
[X] I would wear pajamas to school.
[X] I own something from Abercrombie.
[x] I have a job.
[  ] I love Martha Stewart
[X] I am in love with love.
[x] I am guilty oF tYpInG lIkE tHiS
[  ] I am self conscious.
[x] I like to laugh.
[  ] I smoke a pack a day.
[  ] I loved Perks of Being a Wallflower.
[X] I loved Go Ask Alice.
[x] I have cough drops when I'm not sick.
[X] I can't swallow pills.
[  ] I can swallow about 5 pills at a time no problem
[  ] I eat fast food weekly.
[X] I have many scars.
[X] I've been out of this country.
[X] I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room.
[X] I am really ticklish.
[  ] I see a therapist.
[  ] I love chocolate.
[X] I bite my nails.
[X] I am comfortable with being me.
[x] I play video games
[  ] I'm single.
[  ] I'm in a relationship.
[X] Gotten lost in your city.
[x] Saw a shooting star.
[x] Been to any other countries besides the United States.
[X] I Had a serious Surgery.
[X] Gone out in public in your pajamas.
[X] I have Kissed a Stranger.
[X] Hugged a stranger.
[X] Been in a fist fight.
[  ] Been arrested.
[  ] Pushed all the buttons on an elevator.
[X] Made out in an elevator.
[X] Swore at your parents.
[x ] Kicked a guy where it hurts.
[  ] Been to a casino
[  ] Been skydiving.
[x] Broken a bone.
[x] Skipped school.
[x] Flashed someone.
[  ] Saw a therapist.
[X] Done the splits.
[X] Played spin the bottle.
[x] Gotten stitches.
Current Mood: Bored
Current Music: None

+ About Yourself +
Name :: Ash-Lee
Age :: 18
Date of birth :: June 14 1987
Gender :: Female
Where are you from? :: Lake Orion
Nicknames :: Ash-lee, tedder, pebbles,sugar tits
Middle name(s) :: Clair
Do you have any pets? :: One Dog and Two Cats
What makes you happiest? :: being with Adam :)
What makes you the saddest? :: when lied to from someone

+ Have You Ever +

Said ‘I Love You’ and not meant it? :: yes
Taken drugs? :: yes
Been cautioned/arrested? :: no

Been to a concert? :: yea
Cried during a movie? :: Yea
Been on stage? :: yes
Witnessed a crime? :: yes
Swore at your parents? :: yes
Failed a grade? :: no
Told the person you had a crush on you liked them? :: Yea
Ran away from home? :: hell yea

+ Last Thing You Did +

Last thing you ate :: Cheese
Last drink you drank :: Mt. Dew
Last magazine you read :: People

Last person you spoke to :: Travis

Last person you emailed :: Aunt Val
Last thing you bought :: Gas lol
Last shop you went in :: Mall

Last song you listened to :: Shiana Twain
Last website you went on :: live journal
Last time you said anything :: dont want to be stuck out there
+ Celebrities +

Which celebrity would you most like to meet? :: Julia Roberts
Which top 3 celebs would you most like to trip over in the street? :: Sean William Scott t, Adam Sandler , Nicole Richie
Who was your first celeb crush? :: Brad Pitt
Who is your current celeb crush? :: Chad Micheal Murray

Which celebs have your parents got crushes on? :: My mom loves Brad Pitt and my dad loves every half naked female celeb on tv lol
Have you ever met a famous person? :: Kid Rock

Have you ever seen a band in concert? :: Yes

+ Favorites +

Favorite band :: Bleed the Dream, and Hawthorne Heights

Favorite solo singer :: don’t know
Favorite film :: DOnt know
Favorite song :: Aint no Hollaback Girl
Favorite album :: Silence in Black and White
Favorite TV program :: The Simple Life and The OC
Favorite F.R.I.E.N.D.S character :: Joey
Favorite day of the week :: Saturday
Favorite day of the year :: New Years
Favorite type of music :: I like almost everything
Favorite TV channel :: don’t know
Favorite boys name :: dunno
Favorite girls name:: dunno
Favorite person in the world :: Alicia J. Davey

+ Body Matters +

Do you like your body? :: Yea
What would you change about your body if you had the chance? :: Boobs

+ Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes +

Do you like the shape of your head? umm sure?
Do you like your eyes? Yes
What color are your eyes?  brown
What would you change about your face? umm... I dunno?
Are you attractive/average/ugly? :: DOnt ask me
Have you got broad shoulders? :: no
Do you like your shoulders? :: sure
Do you like your feet? :: yes
Describe your feet? :: I have perfect feet and perfect toes lol

+ Tattoos and Piercings +

Have you got any tattoos or piercings? :: piercings
How many do you have? ::7 8 tomorrow

What are they? :: ears and belly button, and nose. and lip tomorrow  
Do you think lip, belly, eyebrow and nose piercings look good? :: yes
What do you think of sleeves (tattoos all on the arm)? :: depends on the person
If yes, what would you have? :: I wouldn’t

+ Emotions +

Do you show your emotions much? :: kinda
What scares you most in life? :: not making it in life
What angers you most in life? :: liars
What upsets you most in life? :: liars
What makes you happy in life? :: my friends…and that certain someone adam
What helps cheer you up? :: my friends and that certain someone
Who is usually there for you when you feel down? :: my friends and that certain someone adam
Are you more optimistic then pessimistic? :: both
Is the glass half full or half empty? :: depends normally it would be half full but if it’s a bottle of alcohol then its half empty!
How short is your temper? :: I don’t have a short temper at all

+ Choose One +

Tom Delonge/Mark Hoppus :: Tom
Blink-182/Busted :: Blink 182
Busted/McFly :: who?
Ashton Kutcher/Topher Grace :: Ashton Kutcher
Watching movies at home/Watching movies at the cinemas :: home
Crisps/Chips :: crips
McDonalds/KFC :: KFC
Rock music/Pop music :: rock
Punk/RnB :: punk
Black/White :: white
Hot/Cold :: Hot
Red/Blue :: Blue
Happy/Sad :: happy
Cameron Diaz/Drew Barrymore :: Cameron Diaz
Avril Lavigne/Fefe Dobson :: Avril Lavigne
Talking over the phone/Talking face to face :: face to face

+ Random Questions +

If you could have one wish in the world, what would it be? :: to be forever happy
If you had the chance to meet 3 people, dead or alive, which 3 would you choose? :: My Uncle, Chad Micheal Murray, and Brad Pitt
Who would play you in a film about your life? :: I think im the only one that could fully play off the real me!
What’s the first word you lay your eyes on after you’ve finished reading this sentence? :: sentence?
Do you have posters on your wall? :: yes
If yes, how many have you got? :: lots
Who or what are they of? :: bands

What will you be doing at 9:00 tonight? :: partying
How much jewelery are you wearing at the minute and what are you wearing? :: 5 rings and top earring
Do you have a life motto? :: never have regrets b/c everything happens for a reason
Have you ever been in love? :: yea

Who was your first non-famous crush? :: ha who knows
What is your marital status? :: in a relationship

What is the weather like outside right now? :: Hot Hot Hot!!!
Pick up one thing from your desk, what is it? :: cell phone
Do you like watching TV? :: only if its late at night
Describe the chair you’re sitting on :: grey computer chair

Have you enjoyed this survey? :: yea I kinda like doing things like these
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