Jan 23, 2010 16:53
So much goes on in my life that I can't even keep up with it. This is going to be a short and choppy entry but I have to catch up to all my recent events. Alright. Ready, set, GO!
So sometime after my last last last post, I ended up in the ER. Don't freak, all is good. Just a minor panic attack watching Avatar (of all things). Don't know what caused it. It must have been ALL the partying I did that entire week. I guess no sleep and striaght rioting for a week straight can lead a lush to the hospital. Just ask Lindsay. Anyway, doctor's orders were to stay in and rest for the entire week. Think I listened? Nope. Telling me not to do something just makes me want to do it more..and with style. Continuing: I have spent the last couple sundays drinking bottomless mimosas. I think of it as a good tradition, in my opinion. Who wouldn't want to wake up to a nice glass of the bubbly? Let me tell you, the world would be a happier place. I don't think I wrote about New Years Eve in here. Twas fun. In typical NYE's fashion, I spent the whole day trying to map out the night and looking for a perfect outfit to start the new year in. Finally, I decided to spend it with the Pie, Erika and Spazzy. At midnight the ball dropped, the champagne poured, and the first hugs/kisses were given. After a few minutes, we got our asses to the real party. The people were so cool (I rioted with them at Beer Olympics). Oh and it also helped I got to make out with a cutie in a bow tie. ;)So far 2010 is looking niiiice.
In REAL WORLD news since I last updated (which I only write about for personal purposes so I can look back and see what the f was happening at the time):
• The Gators won their last bowl game (against Cincinatti). We spanked that ass! And Tebow said his last goodbye. :(
• Urban decided to stay! Which obviously makes me a very happy Gator.
• Haiti got struck HARD with a major earthquake. Super huge tragedy and I donated a nice chunk to help out. I'm kinda proud that America made Haiti a top priority.
• There's been other earthquakes there throughout the week. Those poor people need a freakin break!
I hate to admit but I feel the world is about to give up on us. We had record heat in December THEN record cold in January. Snow in Tampa(?!), tornadoes in Georgia(?!), mudslides in California (?!), earthquakes in the Carribean(?!). It's just bizarre and all of it SCARY. I don't believe stupid theories like the 2012 one, but this is all either one big weird coincidence or maybe the next two years will be the last for our planet. :( Okay, let me shut my mouth before I freak myself out even more.
Tonight I'm saying goodbye to Amber at Poplife. I plan to throw down a bottle in the parking lot because those bar tabs are really putting a strain in my bank account. Alright, later! My hair needs my attention <3