TEN Random Things About Me
10. My favorite food is sushi
09. When I get older I want to be successful and rich
08. Ice cream makes me happy
07. I'm 4'10" and 80 lbs [I was nearly 3 months premature]
06. I love to dance
05. A goal I have is to travel to as many countries as possible
04. I over-analyze things a lot
03. I hate hurting other people
02. I love to smile and laugh
01. I wouldn't trade my life for anything. I love it.
NINE Places I've Visited [I've been to a lot more]
09. Venice/Rome/Siena/Milan, Italy
08. Swakopmund/Walvis Bay, Namibia
07. Cape Town/Johannesburg/Kenton-on-Sea, South Africa
06. Istanbul, Turkey
05. London, England
04. Paris/Nice/Cannes, France
03. Brussels, Belgium
02. Monaco
01. Luxembourg
EIGHT Things I Want To Do Before I Die
08. Get married and have children
07. Visit Greece
06. Roadtrip to all 50 States
05. Volunteer in Africa
04. Own a club/nightbar
03. Be known for something
02. Live/Work overseas
01. Be a backup dancer
SEVEN Ways To Win My Heart
07. Make me laugh
06. Make me smile
05. Honesty
04. Sincerity
03. Great personality
02. Intelligence
01. Hold my hand
SIX Things I like To Do Occasionally, But Some People May Not Approve Of
06. Flirt a lot
05. Talk too much [Okay, maybe that's ALL the time]
04. Spend hours upon hours on my computer
03. Not finish all of my food
02. Drink [Granted, I've NEVER been drunk - just really tipsy and that was only once]
01. Take REALLY REALLY long showers
FIVE Things I'm Afraid Of
05. Being alone
04. Being unloved
03. Crazy drivers
02. Graveyards at night
01. Needles
FOUR Of My Favourite Items In My Bedroom
04. My bed
03. My iPod & OnTour Stereo
02. My laptop
01. My DVD player
THREE Things I Do Everyday
03. Shower
02. Eat
01. Use my laptop
TWO Things I Am Trying Not To Do Right Now
02. Bite my nails [Bad habit, I know. Don't worry I am KICKING it! Yayyy]
01. Worry
ONE Person I Want To See Right Now:
01. My Mom