Mini batch: FACE "Aishiteru"

Jul 15, 2010 15:06

Man.. I wanted to update for the Fourth of July with a really pretty America batch or something, but things just didn't work that way. A lot of stuff happened with my laptop, let's just leave it at that. I also had planned a photo shoot with my America cosplay, and that didn't work out either.. mainly 'cause my camera is currently broken, and none of my friends were around to help me with it. My Canada was chillin' with me on Independence Day and she would have done it with me, but her camera is broken as well, unfortunately.. so I apologize. Maybe next year. XD;

I do have a larger batch in the works, along with a request someone made, (I promise, I'll have it up for you soon. Sorry for the wait!) but they're unfortunately on another computer right now.

I figured I'd post something though, since It's been a while.. so please enjoy this little batch I whipped up the other day, and happy belated birthday to America, Canada and France! 8]

Axis Powers: Hetalia [22]

Axis Powers: Hetalia [2]

Axis Powers: Hetalia [4]


   Aishiteru MAD (YouTube)

If you want an original image, feel free to ask!
Comments are loved.. like hamburgers and ice cream.
Crediting is not necessary, but really appreciated.

Thank you very much~!

♣ Axis Powers: Hetalia, ♦ icons, ♦ banners, ► graphics, ♦ wallpapers, ♥ UKUS

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