Jul 28, 2008 19:46

Yay! ComicCon attendees got to see a trailer for the sequel to TRON! It's just too bad I wasn't there to see it myself. As with the writer from Gizmodo, TRON (along with Wargames) was one of the formative movies to my early life in the digital age. I expect I look forward to the new movie much as many of my somewhat younger associates looked forward to the Transformers movie. Hopefully the rumors of some Pixar involvement hold true, and they and Disney will really be able to make this work. Hey, it was a surprise that Disney pulled off such a good movie from a theme park ride with the first Pirates of the Carribean movie, so miracles are possible.

Alas, it looks like the Disney lawyers sent in the logic probe and deleted all the better copies of the preview from YouTube.
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