Would you, could you, in the dark?

Dec 16, 2007 22:08

We had some friends over last night, having a good time socializing and playing video games, until around 10:30p when we were plunged into darkness along with the rest of our block. The houses across the street still had power, and seemed to be taunting us with their cheery lighted-ness. Fortunately enough of our friends are geeks and came equipped with flashlights, and before long we had candles and lanterns going. The power outage meant an end to the video games, but it was still kinda fun to hang out and chat in the near dark -- rather like being on a camping trip.

When cplpunishment and I headed off to bed, the power was still out and the heat was starting to fade (even with gas heat, no power = no heat), but we figured we'd pile on some extra blankets and brave the night. In the end, the power was back on by around 1:30am.

Today, we went with tarish to finally see Enchanted and quite enjoyed it - I was pleasantly surprised. Disney did a great job spoofing themselves, poking fun without having to resort to just crude humor. It ended up being a story for the whole family, with humor and message to appeal to both kids and adults.

I'm looking forward to the new National Treasure movie next weekend -- I'm ready for a fun, light adventure movie.
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