Dec 13, 2004 10:56
this ever happen to anyone else on a regular basis and bug the hell outta them?
so your walking somewhere and coming in the opposite direction is someone you know, probably not a good friend but an aqaintance. Like someone you'd say hi to but not stop and have a conversation with. anyway, as you get close you say "hi" or "hey" or something and they reciprocate, and then, when your like 2 feet away they always gotta say "How are you doing?".
they've now forced me into the decision of a) not answering and just keep walking, which is quite impolite, b) stopping to say "fine and you?" and waiting for their "fine thanks for asking" or c) a rushed "fine and you?" as we pass and theres clearly no time for a response.
I usually opt for c) as it seems to best compramise between being polite and not stopping. but still, why cant people just say hi and keep walking.