Hello all, hmm I’ve had plenty of sleep and I’m still tired, blahness. Anyways. Last night wasn’t too shabby, had stuff on my mind. Got to talk to Whitters before her surgery today I hope everything went well =). Fast recovery girl! Got up a little after 7:33, talked to mom, got ready and went to school. In Algebra 2 there is supposed to be 6 of us b/c the Marine Science/Biology class went out to one of the local islands for the next 3 days. 22 people are out on the trip. There was only 4 of us, so we went over our hw and did our hw for tonight together, it wasn’t too bad. English 4, did voccabulary and grammar excersies and an assignemtn in the literature book. PC lab, graded papers and helped the 1st graders. Then helped Mrs. Susie move stuff in the audtorium. ESE got to see the ending of “Remember the titans” which my mom has but I’ve never watched, then played yatzee Jr. went on the computer and finished my Algebra 2 hw since it was a free day. I came home, had popcorn lol, watched my regular programs of tv, I finished all my hw at school and slept some and then did the dishes. Now I just got online. <3ya’ll, ash*
wearing. Target: Graphic t, old navy green cargos and my xhilaration tan clogs
Jewelry. Class ring and Citizen Gold/Silver watch
Hair. Pulled back
Eating/drinking. Diet Pepsi/popcorn
Thing last said. Sh*t
Last website visited. None today so far
What I should be doing. Dishes
Desktop picture. Britney Spears Icon w/a pic from her “every time” video and I put the word silence on it in pink.
Away message. None
Did today. School, HW, TV, and chores
Doing tonight. Talking’ with friends and studying for the ACT.
Listening to. Radio
Went to bed/woke up. 10:15/7:33
Last read/currently reading. The Great Gatsby/The Yearling
Last TV watched. Gilmore Girls
Last movie seen. At the theater: Cinderella Story
I need. Sleep, trust and time with friends.
Looking forward to. This weekend =), spending it with one of my best friends the one and only Danielle!!!
Favorite person of the day. No one at the present time but I’m sure I’ll think of someone by the end of the night.
Worst part of the day. Dishes today has been good.
Best part of the day. Mrs. Rose not checking gist in English 4
Ate today. Potatoes and popcorn
Last thing(s) bought. Pictures [stole on accident LONG STORY! Check past entries for details], 2 pairs of jeans, a sweater and a smoothie maker.
Thinking about. Friend’s
Current annoyance. Wanting more sleep and figuring out stuff.
Current obsession. Gwen Stefani and Eminem’s new cd’s.