Hello, for the last 50 minutes I’ve finished one of my psychology papers, it’s posted under the cut, so scroll down if you want to read it. I’m not posting my own on television since it isn’t as interesting all I did was figure out that we watch a lot of TV compared to 10 years ago. Last night I got offline at 10, watched an episode of Dawson’s Creek and went to bed at 11. Got up at 7, mom stayed home some this morning and she made me pancakes, thank God I was starving since last night lol. I ate breakfast then, got ready and went to school. Spanish 2, did stuff with verbs and my Hw then read the paper. Government we had a senior class meeting and found out that Banquet is March 14th and our sponsors got us a SENIOR LOUNGE its in the library, where the old teachers lounge used to be before our new high school building was built. We can eat; listen to music and stuff in there. I’m going to wear the white top I just bought w/my white cami and black express pants to Banquet, my yellow/pink top w/my white cami and my jean skirt (the longer one of course) for Baccalaureate and get my halter dress this weekend for graduation [probably the pink one since that’s the one that I like more lol, my Mom suggest the blue one and I was just iffy on that] and then I’ll be set =). We finished our movie and took a quiz. No classes at the computer lab today so I was online looking at journals, applied for the bright futures scholarship given by the state and looked how to file my taxes online. I was ALMOST late for class b/c I got distracted lol. Psychology started ch. 3 and did my HW and worked on my papers. Came home at 11:30, watched Dawson’s Creek on TV oh I want the college years on DVD so bad, I hope season 5 comes out soon!!! Talked to mom, watched ED I hope they didn’t take saved by the bell off reruns b/c that show was the best ever. Did some laundry; finished writing my first paper ate lunch while watching GH really good today. Now I’ve finished writing my 2nd paper and I’m going to go put away the dishes and watch Gilmore Girls. 5:05 <3 ya’ll, Ash*
wearing. Xhilaration top: pink stripes that are sideways, Rave: sweater pink/purple, and Old Navy jeans was wearing my tan clogs.
Eating/drinking. Water
Thing last said. I need time management skills to myself lol
Last website visited. IRS on how to e-file
Desktop picture. Britney Spears says, “You’re my everything in three words”
Doing tonight. Talking to friends and 5 min. of research for my paper
Listening to. My play list full of 153 songs -rock, country, rap, and pop
Went to bed/woke up. 11/7
Currently reading. A-List 2nd Book /John Grisham’s “Bleachers” good book only read if u like football
I need. To move out, start my next job; spend some time with my friends, car, money and a vacation
Looking forward to. next weekend going to Englewood
Here is my psychology paper on Animals being experimented on in laboratories, I really like the way its come together. I’m warning you all my writing probably isn’t the best but will hopefully improve over the next 4 years of constant writing papers for college. Let me know what you think. -Ashley*
I always thought that most animals in this country at least get treated with some respect I found out this to be wrong. I had the basic question of do animals get treated in laboratories well? My hypothesis was that animals don’t get treated as fairly as people think they do due to a program I’ve seen on TV. Through research it has been found out that animals are locked up in isolation chambers and pocked and prodded at, this is what is happening to 115 million animals in the US, some are getting experimented on, others are killed. This is where the American taxpayers money is going. Even though the taxpayers can’t go into the laboratories they’re paying for it. A lot of the experimenting includes harmful chemicals. The government along with experimenters has decided that the mice, rat and other animals don’t have to be counted for animals being killed each year.
PETA (People for ethical treatment of animals), which is the worlds largest animals rights organization with more than 800,000 members, has investigators and caseworkers, which go through government paperwork and go in labs to discover the cruelty being done. These animals have no control over their own lives, its filled with isolation and sadness no kindness included. Chimpanzees are taken away form there families rats and mice can’t dig. Most dogs and cats get exercise along with attention from loving owners but not the ones found in labs. Rabbits can’t jump, pigs can’t lie around, and all normal behavior is taken away. Animals are given diseases, tumors, broken bones, blinding done to there eyes, and seizures while not being given any painkillers. How would a human like having a tooth pulled with out nova cane? It’s the same type of thing being done to animals nothing is helping them.
The University of North Carolina employees used to kill mice by cutting their heads off with scissors. Another university in trouble is Columbia for killing a whole litter of puppies by Cardiac puncture, that’s small compared to the other thousands of animals they kill yearly. A well-known dog food company Iams is also in trouble. There were put under investigation by an undercover person who was working for PETA. The investigator discovered while doing this experiment that dogs had gone insane due to being locked up in steel cages and cement cells. Dogs had muscles hacked from their thighs, surgery wounds left open that were never taken care of properly. Cats were also treated unfairly; no veterinary care was being given to these animals. Besides the tax money going towards this unethical treatment people are paying more money for it when purchasing dog or cat food from this company.
I believe the treatment of animals in laboratories is completely unethical and should be stopped but it’s hard to stop something that the government supports. Why is the government supporting this but was against the concentration camps? That’s something to be addressed, the way I see it animals are getting treated just as badly as the World War 2 victims did.