completely disgusted....

Jan 26, 2007 00:15

dont ask how i got on the topic... but i was just watching some peta videos on youtube. needless to say, i am totally sickened. im actually embarassed to be human right now.

from now on, im going to start drastically cutting down on eating meat. no more buying leather either. after watching this, im nauseated at the thought of it. im not trying to sound like one of those annoying peta people but wow, i cant do it anymore. and to anyone who says animals are too dumb to know whats happening to them or say they cant feel anything... thats bullshit.

i know no one will want to do this... but you should all watch a couple of these videos. yeah, you probably dont want to be grossed out or feel sorry for the animals because you eat meat. i do too, its going to be hard to stop doing eating it, but honestly, people arent aware. and when the information is presented, they CHOOSE to be unaware. thats whats incredibly sad. we are too detached from our food, we dont even know where it comes from and dont want to. theres something incredibly wrong with this picture.

anyway, here they are...
POM apparently tests on animals too...
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