A While Ago and Recently

Nov 12, 2006 11:16

A While Ago: Eric and I split up f'reals this time. Things have been hard-going, but the waves of time have softened the hard edges of love gone wrong. I started working a second job at Mocha Cabana as a barista, and I use the extra $30 a week to facilitate my weekend binge drinking. I keep making plans to come visit Nashvile, the likes of which I haven't seen since July, but work and school prevail and keep me away. It is probably for the best, you see, because my heart would simply break if I had to leave those lovely Nashvillains one more time. Scraggles has gotten huge. I started drinking coffee. My hair is black and blue.

Recently: I've had plenty of time to attend to school work, but I've spent those extra hours either asleep or drunkenly socializing. Mainly the latter. Or the former due to the latter. My immersion in academia births an ago old alcoholism in me. Hopefully this will subside after all 5 of my papers are turned in to my professors/two group projects are complete/two class presentations are presented. Something tells me that the Retail Hell of Christmas (which apparently arrived the week before Halloween this year) will birth a different kind of alcoholism in me.

I went out Friday night and immersed myself in slightly different crowd of people. I looked lovely, or so I heard, and flirted with ladies and men alike. It was refreshing and liberating and self-affirming. It's been two weeks since I've been officially single, and not once during that time have I had the opportunity to be at one with the single people in my life. I suppose last night was the closest I'll be coming for quite sometime. As soon as school lets go of my balls, I'll be out and about. Until then, you can find me here, in my newly rearranged bedroom, drinking strong coffee and red wine from behind a stack of books taller than my house.
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