So, I need help figuring out what board game I should buy for my office's "holiday gift exchange"...
I really wanted to get something kinda ridiculous (a la UrbanOufitters's Rosckstar Rehab), but I realize that there are grown ups here and some of those games might be inappropriate. The limit is $20, which is nice, bc I don't need to be spending lots of money...
The game I wanted to get is "Peanuts Monopoly" because everyone likes monopoly and Peanuts is a good theme for all ages...but all the themed monopoly games are $29+
I've also thought about getting the "Would You Rather..." games, but the good ones are obviously the dirty/disgusting/awkward ones...
anywho...any suggestions would be AWESOME!!! I need something funny/entertaining, but won't get me kicked out of the office =D
oh, and don't judge...I am LOVING club/dance music...its so upbeat and it keeps me awake =P