happiness =)

Sep 08, 2008 20:52

So I just read an article in the LA times that my mom recommended to me...and it was about happiness. It was a really interesting article, and here are some links to parts of it on latimes.com:


I had a really nice weekend down in SD...well more like a really nice 24 hours down in la jolla. It was nice to see Adam, even if it was just for a little while, and it was fun hanging out with John on his birthday and watching Mendy walk her cats. It was incredibly hot and sunny, but a real nice break just before I started work!

My first day of work today went pretty smoothly...although I didn't really work so much as just attended the new employee orientation. Oh, I completely forgot to update, but I GOT A JOB!!! Like a totally legitimate JOB! It's down at Children's Hospital Los Angeles, which is a ridiculous commute...but Adam made me some awesome cd's for the trek =) The job also pays close to nothing and is super long hours...but hopefully it will be rewarding. I actually start the job proper tomorrow, so hopefully that will go well (my boss is pretty scary and mean =X )

Anyways, after reading the article in LA times, I realized that I'm pretty happy. Even though sometimes I argue with my mom (more than i'd like), I don't get to see Adam as much as I'd like, med school apps are pretty painful, and I have to wake up really really early for work...I'm pretty happy =)
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