Nov 15, 2004 09:35
i am such a bad cousin writes me all the time and i just now got around to writing her back. I am such a bad cousin...
I got new shoes yesterday, they are sooo cute and i am already wearing them today. I bought them for my honors society inductions tonight. Thats right...honors society inductions <---plural. I have been accepted to two different honors societies! i feel so smart...the only problem is that both inductions are at the same time! what am i going to do? well, i asked my parents to come since this is a huge honor and stuff, but of course, they are too busy and dont want to be out that late. its such bullshit. they dont mind staying out until midnight for my brother's baseball games or swim meets, but when i have something that is really important to me that they be there...of course not. this is honestly the last straw. i couldnt be more pissed off at them. i just am so tired of them never being there when i need them and making up lame excuses. it just seems like they only want to come see me or have me come home when its convienient for them. no more. fuck you.
it just seems like ever since i left for college it feels like i have been completely cut off from the family. they hardly call, visit, or of course support me in any way other than financially. not that i am not grateful for that, its just not what i need. i am so tired of them telling me that i need to stop acting jealous of my brother and that they were there just as often when i was in dance. well what about now? do i just get cut off? obviously i do. i am tired of the lectures about how i should do more with my life, make more friends, date more people, be more popular. i wish they could just be proud of me. i am. i wouldnt change anything about my life for anything. what the hell do they know anyway? i bet if you asked them any question about me they wouldnt be able to answer it. they hardly know me. and thats sad.
i am so lucky to have the friends that i have, and most importantly jimmy. i dont mean to sound mushy, but i love everyone so much that is there for me and helps me through these rough times. i love you all and youre the best.
well i am off to class in my brand new shoes...i cant wait until tonight. at least jimmy's family will be here to support me!