Loving Something Less Than Perfect

Jun 20, 2008 21:10

Just something I came up with while babysitting...

Loving Something Less Than Perfect

When people ask me what made me love him at first. I always answer “His eyes.”
If you were ever to ask him what made me love him, he would tell you it were his eyes. Or maybe his laugh. Or maybe all of him, ‘cause he’s just that sexy. He would never tell you those last two possibilities were just a joke. He knows I loved his eyes first. I told him so when he asked me if he could buy me a drink.
“Only ‘cause I love your eyes.”

When he brought those drinks over to my table, I noticed his hands. I won’t say I had never seen hands like that, because they weren’t really that special. But they were elegant. When he sat down, he looked at me.
“Only my eyes?”
I shrugged.
“Well, maybe your hands too.”

The smile he then presented me with was almost breathtaking. Almost. His teeth weren’t really pearly white, and one of his front teeth missed a corner, but it was close to perfect. I never told him I loved his smile, though.

During the afternoon, I began to love his wit. He made me laugh, but was also able to have interesting discussions. When I stood to leave, he asked if I wanted to have dinner with him.
“I’d love to. I had a wonderful time this afternoon.”

At the restaurant, I learned he was stubborn, but because he was stubborn about paying for the food, I didn’t mind it that much. I thanked him for dinner by asking him with me to my apartment.

There I learned to love his kiss, his touch, and eventually I started to love his arms, when he held me close and made me feel safe. When I told him so, he promised to make sure he’d always be there to keep me safe.

In the weeks that followed, I met his friends, and they were wonderful. I visited him at his job, and thought it was awesome. Eventually, I met his parents, and I couldn’t do anything but adore them. I thought there was nothing about him I couldn’t love.

I was wrong. There were some things that annoyed me, but all those things I loved about him made up for it.

But, when I really started thinking, for the first time in a few months, I realised that all those things might have been what made me love him back then, but that there was something else that makes me love him so much now;

He is not afraid to show his love for me in public, even though we’re both guys.


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