"LOST" (4.10) "Something Nice Back Home" Review

Sep 24, 2008 18:15

"LOST" (4.10) "Something Nice Back Home" Review

This is a review of Episode 4.10 of "LOST" called ("Something Nice Back Home"). On the whole, this episode was not as bad as many have claimed it was. Although the main plot seemed irrevelant to me, it had some very interesting moments:

Jack and Kate

I am now convinced more than ever that these two are not suited for one another. In the flash forward, they seemed to have this superficially perfect life that was doomed to fail once the cracks appeared. In fact, Kate's behavior in this episode strongly reminded me of her behavior in "I Do". You know - the perfect little wife/companion on the outside, the lying backstabber underneath. Instead of maintaining a secret of her past from her husband, she was trying to prevent Jack from learning about her favor to Sawyer. And of course there was Jack overreacting to nearly everything - from Hurley's revelation that he would receive a visit, to Christian's appearance and later, the deal with Kate and Sawyer. For a reserved man, he can be very overemotional. And then there was his taunt that Aaron was not Kate's son. He did it to hurt Kate. But he was right. She was being rather illusional about Aaron with him, when she should have known better. And Kate should have either told Jack the truth about her promise to Sawyer or tell him to mind his own business. And what is his hang up over Sawyer? The man is thousands of miles away on some South Pacific island (or dead) and Jack still reacted like a jealous prick over the first mention of his name. As for their "hot" sex scenes . . . let me put it this way - Matthew Fox and Evangeline Lily could strip down to nothing and rub their bodies all over each other. Yet, they would never have the same level of chemistry that she had with Josh Holloway inside that cage.

Sawyer, Claire and Miles

Their subplot was rather interesting, as well. Their encounter with Frank, Keamy and the other Freighters was the best moment in the entire episode. I understand that Sawyer has become protective of Claire, but he seemed to be laying it on a little thick. If they ever find Claire, I hope that Sawyer does not become too overbearing. Charlie did and he nearly lost Claire. Sawyer's snarkfest with Miles was very entertaining.

Sun and Jin

It was nice to see the Kwons back to their glorious ways. Like Desmond and Penny, they know how to be the loving couple without overdoing it . . . like one particular couple I know. I was amused at how both of them could see that Daniel and Charlotte were interested in each other. Jin also proved that he can be one smart and observant cookie, when he realized that Charlotte could understand Korean. His confrontation with her was a great moment. Speaking of Charlotte and Daniel . . .

Daniel and Charlotte

How interesting. I am not fond of either of them as separate characters. Charlotte can be a supercilious bitch and I find Daniel's mumbling geekiness rather irritating. But together, they seem to bring out the best in each other. I like them as a couple.


On one hand, I feel sad for Juliet in that she realized that Jack was not really attracted to her, and that he was using her as rebound. On the other hand, she doesn't need Jack in her life. I hope and pray that she realizes how lucky she was. She may not have escaped from Ben, but she certainly has from Jack.

Main Plot

Exactly what did Jack's appendectomy serve for this episode? What was its purpose? To show that Jack has not been favored by the island, as pointed out by Rose? Or was the whole operation about Juliet realizing that Jack loves Kate? Or both? Could someone please explain, because I almost found the main plot irrelevant.

But despite what I feel to be an irrelevant main plot, this episode was not bad. And considering that this episode is a Jack-centric story, I found his experiences in the flash forward to be a lot more interesting than his island experiences.

l. scott caldwell, evangeline lilly, rebecca mader, ken leung, josh holloway, television, disney, kevin durand, matthew fox, elizabeth mitchell, lost

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