Jan 14, 2011 00:00
- 08:07 O blah. I'll try LastPass again. #
- 09:01 I'm checking through what LastPass imported from my browsers to see what is still valid. Might actually end up cancelling a few accounts. #
- 09:23 Who you gonna call? #
- 10:38 Anyone out there with Mac OS X 10.5? I need a copy of the X509Certificate store file. It's under /System/Libraries/Keychains/. Thanks. #
- 11:03 Finally catching up on paperwork. Faxed info over to ambulance company. Now trying to get info for hospital and whatnot. #
- 11:20 People called. Insurances being billed. I R AWESOME. #
- 11:21 Do wanna have a slumber party in my basement? #
- 12:20 Wacka wacka wacka. #
- 13:21 Holy hell this computer is slooow. #
- 14:37 Diane needs a copy of Office 2K3 to get all the security updates. I'm at work so that's not happening now. O bother. #
- 14:38 I believe I have a copy at home. Just need to plop it into Dropbox and go from there later. #
- 14:43 This is the song that doesn't end. Yes it goes on and on my friends. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was... #
- 15:54 Ha ha! rim.jobs goes to Research in Motion's careers page :P #
- 16:12 Scheduled work off for tomorrow. Stupid car. #
- 16:19 Where would you like to take a dream vacation to, and (if any) who with? - Japan with my wife @ladylei. 4ms.me/gudaVw #
- 16:20 qual é o seu maior sonho ? - Para esmagar os seus inimigos, vê-los conduzido antes de você, e ouvir a lamenta… 4ms.me/eMmqhX #
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