
Feb 17, 2004 19:15

There are moments in one day you look and stare at something, and that one blank look focuses on nothing at all, but see's everything around you, and within you.
 Some would call that the "Zone" or "detached from reality" i call it, honing.

All things, one way or another turn out to be, what all things should be in the end. Perseverance and stubburness linger the inevitable conclusion, whether we agree with that path or not. 
Undeniably with the will of Saints, confliction will not temper the softest of souls, with the yearn for comfort in discontent, while anguish reaches out for a temperary respites to no avail.

Stand against the wind with your head held high with a sharp brow, and look to the horizon from the coast.  The breath of the ocean holding fast against your side, blasting the debri from your garments no longer wanted that tryed to taint the ivory body that is you, and become the air that is free within your spirit, there you will always find me, close to you,  in heart, and dearly in mind.
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