Apr 10, 2005 22:59
This weekend at TBS convention was awesome as always. Every trip has a few bumps, so is life. I love the encouragement of other sisters and the effect the group has on the perspectives of individual sisters. More to come if I am not lazy, or I'll talk your ear off if you ask.
Fist a few good quotes:
Catherine: "Don't make me slap your mom around"
Catherine: "this ain't my bag BABY"
RaeAnn: "you pee out your vagina too!"
RaeAnn: "Tell your Vagina, No!"
Me: " you'd be like WAIT, you've done that with that many genders?" (Matt trys to not spit soda out his nose)
Jennifer, randomly while walking into the hotel: "I like my Boobs"
Bowling green cell phone rings, Suzanne from Bowling green: "Just stomp on your purse!"
Rae: "I'm gonna use his Jewism, is that a word?"
Rae: "how do you spell Lei?
Me: " I don't know how to spell it, but I know how to do it"
Rae: We're not leaving you, we're mearly walking away"
Candie: "There has to be something in the (getting at something genetic).... something saying you are more likely to get devorced if you are from my family"
"RHO IS ON THE RUN!!!!!!!!!"