(no subject)

Oct 10, 2004 19:16

You came from heaven. Your gole in life is to help
others and to make the world a better place.
Some call you weak, but in reality your soul is
very strong. If only more people were like

Where did you come from?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sister. Your the kind of girl that guys like to be
around, but infourtunatly, they only see you as
a buddy, or like their sister. If this is how
you like it, rock on. But if you would like to
maybe deepen a relationship beyond just
friends, try sending subtle hints. be careful
not to throw yourself at him, and scare him
away. It may take awhile, but you've already
got the foundation for a great relationship.
your friends, and that is most important to
build from.

How do guys feel about you? (girls)
brought to you by Quizilla

Your anime hair color is green.

What is your anime hair color?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're the loving smile,the one that is entirely
devoted to others,especially that one
person.You really can't get them out of your
head,but then,you don't really want to.

What Kind of Smile are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are an earth Dragon! You have a knack for
Nature or animals, and are peaceful, careful,
chariming, and optimistic. You can throw a
tantrum now or then, but who doesnt? You value
simple things in life, such as friends,
familly, and Nature.

What elemental dragon are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

time u started: 7:34
name: Ashleigh
named after: a poet
nickname(s): superman(high school),AB baby(dad)/ AB(mom), Hleigh, Ashman(Bushleigh)
school: Madison(k-2), Edison (3-5), Lincoln(6-8), Nilest West H.S., IU
Birthday: May 21, 1984
Place of birth: Cottonwood, AZ
Age: 20
Grade: Junior
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown going on green, blue when I’m 50 then fade to white as I get older-family thing

Last Time.....

Last Time you bought a CD: Oh, Junior High???
Last Movie saw in the theatre: I have no clue
Last Movie you rented: 13 going on 30
Last Time You had a b/f: ummm
Last Time You had a crush: hahahaha…
Last Time a guy held you: ummm prolly Paul over the summer, along with Jessica…no we didn’t have a threeway…just friends
Last Time you kissed a guy: last year before Christmas break


Name your friends: how the hell am I supposed to do that, is this a test?
Name your closest: Karen
Nicest: Jessica
prettiest: They’re all beautiful to me …cheesy!!
closest guy friends: Paul
hottest friend: Kristen from work, I’m sorry but she could have anyone she wants
*crush's name: yeah right
*what makes him special: what doesn’t?
Best Online Friend: Alex I guess
Best friend to turn to help: Karen
Friend to cry with: Bunny
Friend to curse off ur ex-bf with: um, that requires an ex boyfriend
Friend to gush about ur new crush to: no one, maybe Karen, I don’t tell people EVER!!!
Friend who knows your deal: Karen, wow I’m lame she’s come up how many times?
Friend who goes shoppin: I HATE SHOPPING!
Friend who calls: um, I prefer real friends, not phone a friend
Friend who TALKSSSS: Beth
Friend with the best hair: Bonny
Friend with the prettiest smile: I don’t really look at smiles
Drama queen: I don’t wanna be mean…that would cause drama
Singer: Nick Conner-if not just for his passion
slacker: this is a mean quiz
kewlist: what does that mean??


Favorite Actor: ummm????
Favorite Actress: Julia Roberts
Favorite Movie: When Harry met sally….No Karen Sally is NOT THE CAR
Favorite Song: lately, high hopes…but now I’m starting to hate it
Favorite Food: Cheese, or Peanut Butter and Bananas
Favorite Drink: Cherry Pepsi…cold/ Hot Chocolate…hot
Favorite Vacation Spot: Anywhere with new culture or out in nature
Favorite city: San Francisco
Favorite TV show: Friends..no longer on 
Favorite TV actor/Actress: Courtney Cox


This President Thing??: you could paint a smiley on a rock and I’d vote for it over Bush
PREMARITAL SEX: make your own decision
DRIVING DRUNK: You don’t deserve the right to either if you are not responsible about both
DOING DRUGS: keep it to yourself, not for me
GUY BANDS: questionable
DEATH: I want to be comfy with death, I am not at this point
A CERTAIN PERSON OUT THERE FOR YOU: I hope, if not, that sucks
SUICIDE: hard topic for me
SOUTH PARK: from what I’ve seen it’s ok
CHARITY: depends on the charity, their goals and what they do with the money
Time finished: 7:58

ok, So I'm not so much bored as blah...I needed something to do that was semi stimulating while not needing to move or really think much....This weeked, while awesome at times was also very stressfull and exhausting, I think it is time for nothing, literally, I want to sit and look at a wall...mumblemmm.....mumblemumble.....mmmmm....wall.

I chose my mood cause I have no clue what it means
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