bored with life like this.

Apr 25, 2011 23:24

Why is life soooo LIFELESS? why must we have $?! isnt everything free in the 1st place? think about it? when adam n eve entered this world HOW THE HELL DID $ come about? how the hell are we suffering without our own land and trees n free food god gave us? FOR FREE? who the hell gave these ppl rights to sell things to us when in the first place its wasnt theirs?

you all get me? everything not OWNED by us in the 1st place. sigh

wished i lived in the time everyone was naked, food was plucked out from trees and i have to slaughter or fish for food, thus all these physical work would make me a pretty slim girl and worryless.. but with all that nakedness i wish there were bra's back then too cos i don't want mine to sag.

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