"All change here."

Dec 01, 2012 14:56

Thanks to everybody who threw me story-gauntlets in the sentence meme! I am sorely tempted to try and flesh them out into fuller tales - selidor, three_magpies, would either of you mind?

My main sections on Fellow Passengers are done and sent out. I'm not finished with it yet - there'll be polishing and sections to be added, but I can concentrate on solo work for a while now. This is the second time I've depatched a character with a train recently.There hasn't been much more to this week than writing, or thinking about it;but I had a brief impromptu night out with Doctor Simon yesterday, who had an hour to kill before the train to Coventry. He was good enough to stand me a couple of ciders, and nag me about chilblains (winter wrecks my hands, but gloves aren't great with my circulation). Also he mentioned a sixties TV detective show, Mr Rose, he thought I should try. IMDB doesn't have a lot of information about it; but Simon's like that - a fount of antique television you'd not watch otherwise. Someday I'll tell you about the weirdness that is The Corridor People.

I've dropped E. F. Benson for a while in favour of reading Jenny Uglow's A Little History of Gardening - I've had a surfeit of ghostly slugs. Currently breaking in the new MWC album. There is sun outside, and I should try and catch the last hour of it, but the cold is discouraging.


We went out in the end, braving crowds and chill, and after fruitlessly searching for a pub to sit in, settled for aubergine and tofu in black bean sauce at Cafe Soya. Somehow we ended up discussing creating a video game based on the digestion of a cow; gave up when we found out there's only one stomach in a bovine. Sigh.


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