Apr 19, 2007 13:38
a lot has happened lately. first of all i started to not feel very good last friday. i was thinking that i might have had an UTI, because they are so easy to get, you can even get them from taking a bath. so i had assumed. but my doctors office was closed and they weren't open on weekends. so i waited, and on Monday i had to work, so i went to work and no big deal. when i got home i started to have lower back pain and pain all over my abdomen, so bad that i couldn't even pin point the source. so i knew it was my kidneys from the lower back pain. i was scared that an infection had moved to my kidneys and i needed to go to the doctor asap.
well my doctors didn't open till 8 and the pain got worse and worse. i just started to cry. and i cried for four hours straight. and poor Adam couldn't do anything, but he tried to help all he could. at about 3am i didn't care about the cost of going to the hospital it hurt so much. i would have taken a broken limb to this pain. at least i knew what that feels like. and i was worried that something was wrong.
so and i went down stairs and his mom was awake. she had to be to work at 5am. so i had been crying and i asked linda for help. she called someone to trade shifts with her. and then they both tried to find a 24 hour ready care or after hours but nothing seemed to be open past 9pm. so off to the hospital we go.
when we got there i had to sign in and update my information, since i had been there before when i was in the car accident. then i finally got my own room. i had to give them all sorts of samples and i got an IV and the nice nurse lady gave me some Morphine. of course it only took the edge off so i was still sorta crying. so she gave me four more mg. and i finally stopped crying though it still hurt. she got the ok for another four and that seemed to help alot more. it still hurt but if i thought about other things i could probably go to sleep. though i didn't and adam stayed like the whole time and he tried to sleep some too.
i had to get a CT scan so at 6am a guy walks in with two different Styrofoam cups one says NOW and the other says 7:00. so he hands the NOW to me and says i have to drink it and the other one in an hour. well it tasted horrible, though it was supposed to taste something like lemonaid. so i drank as much as i could and so my the time i was supposed to drink the second one i was full and didn't feel good. so the nurse cam in at about 740 and asked if i drank it all. i said no that i had only finished the first and i dont think i can finish the second. she saaaaid i had too. so i attempted. next thing i knew i was throwing it all up again.
they decided to do the scan anyways. and at about 830 the doctor told me i had kidney stones. which are extremely painful and can be the cause of dehydration. and anyone who knows me knows i dont drink a lot of fluids at all. sooooo. i got some vicodine and came home. the last two days ive slept and whatnot.
this is the first day ive gone without the medication. and i feel like shit. but i finally have a hotel reservation. and my taxes should come back soon.
though my job seems to have cut my hours so i wont have money for awhile. well i feel sick so im going ot go lay down.