Nov 30, 2004 10:21
Finally something worth writing about!
Kristey is going to be home in 2 weeks and 1 day ;-D
& just when i think things cant get any better and i wake up every morning counting down the day to when Kristey comes... DOUG, who means more to me than anything in the world makes me happier than ive ever been. We had the most fun and even tho we didnt do anything that special for some reason it meant so much to me. We woke up Sunday morning around 8:30am and went out to breakfast then we went to his friend Mikes house to watch the Charger game (which we won! Yah Baby!) we wish we would have bought more tickets for this season tho. We've already went to 2 games but we didnt want to buy more bc we didnt know how well they'd be doing towards the end of the season, and now they're all sold out! boo But after the charger game we had to go down the hill to the mall and return Doug & Mikes tuxedos from the wedding they both had to be in on Saturday after we drop them off we decide to go back up to Ramona and hike Mt. Woodson. So we go to Daniels Market and get a couple sandwiches and gatorades for when we get to the top. well let me tell you that things a monster! Its only 1.8 miles but its like straight up. It killed my legs and i run 4 miles a day! It seems like it took forever for us to get up there but when we finally got to the top we found a big rock where no one would be able to see us if they walked up where we were and we ate our sandwiches and i got myself a big brownie which i had to share then we tried climbing up one of the towers up there and made it about 1/3 up then we went back to the rock and watched the sunset bc you can see the ocean from the top (good thing it was a clear day) and Doug gave me a big kiss as soon as the sun went down. It seems very corny but for some reason that moment meant more than anything to me. I knew i had liked doug a lot, I mean i dont know anyone else who has a boyfriend that considers them in every situation. I told doug a while ago that i had these really neat gloves that i got up in Julian a while ago that were Chenille and really soft and i LOVED them but i lost them and the very next day doug just happened to be working up in Julian and stopped at the same store i got them at JUST to buy me my gloves and called me and said "im in julian, what color gloves do you want?" just little things like that... Even when im not staying the night at his house I don't go to bed without at least a text message saying "goodnight" and everymorning before work i get a text message saying "goodmorning ashley, have a great day. I'll talk to you later" how can you not love that!? but when we went up to mt woodson and just how well we got along that just did it over for me. We stayed and talked for another 20 minutes and Doug got high then we held hands the whole way down and we went home and went straight to bed and i woke up around 11pm bc my phone was ringing and it was Kris (fag) i just grabbed my phone and put it under the pillow and went back to bed. But now i have a really guilty stomach ache bc im supposed to go to the desert this weekend but i just found out last night that Justin might go with us. I've never once lied to doug & i cant do it now but i really dont want to miss out on this desert trip! I shouldnt have to miss out just because he's going to be there, right? I know nothings going to happen with us but i can also understand why doug wouldnt take it so well... i dont know what to do! But thats just a little update on whats going on with meeee.. oh yah and i was complaining the other day that kristey is coming soon so i need to get my hair done really bad & a new clutch, brakes, oil change and tune-up for when she comes bc were going to be going non stop & my mommy paid for me to get my hair done and ive got to go right now to pick up the Electric Blue Shocker from getting all worked on and its going to be running like a champ!
I'll try to update a little more frequently, not that anyone but Kristey reads it anyways.