Mar 23, 2008 09:49
I think its a sad situation when you run into someone that youve spent almost 5 years of your life with and you cant even look eachother in the eyes. or barely even wave. understandable due to the situation at hand but sad none the less..
things have been going okay.
I was sooo happy to get the letter from the IRS saying ill be getting more money in may. woop woop!
moneys always a good thing.
Kylie officially started taking steps on thursday! exciting!! :)
It's about time!
But shes also been talking and signing like crazy.
She says:
ut oh, hi, hello, banana. shoe, mama & mom, dada, cracker, elmo, book, whats that..and im sure more that i cant think of right now.
She signs:
milk, more, all done, & please
shes a nute, but its nice for her not to get so frustrated and just tell me when she needs.
living with my mom has been okay. we butt heads every once in awhile and once in a blue moon i have to remind her that im kylies mom and I'll take care of her the way i want to. but its alright. dunno if ill stay here more than a year though. we'll see if I find a rich man to take care of me in the meantime. lol jk!
Shawn has been Shawn..and I've given up on him. We're not arguing or bickering nearly as much because frankly I dont care what hes doing sooo whatever happens, happens. I'm not looking for a relationship but I'm keeping my options open. whoo knows! :)
I'm very unhappy in my job that i have right now. I love working with children but for how much paperowork we have and extra stuff we have to do we do not get paid enough. Right now I'm kind of in a rutt. I feel stuck because I want to go to school or pursue a different career and make more money but I cant. I have care 4 kids to help me pay for daycare for ky and as soon as I make more money they take more money from me for kylies daycare so I can never win. I need some options and ideas on how to possibly work around it. I have some friends that could probably watch ky but I would never want to jip them for pay and I cant afford very much. and also, its not quite reliable because what if they get sick or go on vacation or just one of many things then I'm without child care. I wish there was a way to work from home. So I can be with ky and still make money. It's so hard.
I'm also kind of bitter that shawn doesnt have to worry about any of this. He has two kids and he can go out and make as much money as he wants and go to college and get a decent career without worrying about if his kids have a babysitter so he can go to classes. He has it so good. annoying.
but other than the obvious things have been going okay. Just taking each day at a time.
happy easter!!