I was looking at this page
http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/bmi/calc-bmi.htm and according to it, I can gain 32.5 pounds and still be in the "normal" category. That doesn't seem reasonable to me. I would be a chunk if I gained that much. I'm hoping I don't gain that much when I'm pregnant.
Just thought it was an interesting page.
I am looking at it b/c I'm trying to lose a few pounds. We are going to a wedding next weekend and the dress I bought is kinda tight. It was ok when I bought it, but I have gained a few pounds so I am trying to lose them. I'm just cutting out the junk I usually eat. I have a little paper taped to my bathroom mirror and I weigh myself every morning and write down how much I weigh. This way I know if I'm making progress. I'm hoping I can get down a few pounds just by eating a little less. I really don't want to start exercising, but I might have to.