Themes: (Poupeegirl)
Seven Colours Coordination (SCC)
Seven Themes Coordination (STC):
(All images are copyright of poupeegirl)
I'm planning on two special topics of poupeegirl. This post is dedicated to everyone's opinion of seven snapshots/images based on the two topics above. Seven images of each topic.
*The themes (of poupeegirl dress-up) must be separate and only one snapshots of each theme. You can choose whatever themes you want.
E.g. Food/Ice creams-Dessert/Fruits, Sea/Pirates/Sailor, Fairy tales stories/Alice in wonderland/Snow white/Red riding hood, Halloween, noble lady/victorian/royalty, Animal, Cooking, Dancing, Anime cosplay, Movies cosplay, nintendo or computer games*
*Only one image of each different colours.
E.g. pink, red, purple, blue, green, yellow, black, orange, grey, brown. Light/ counted as one colour, not separate.*
*In the event that your image is an overlapping of both events, just choose one of the topic that you are doing. It cannot be in both topics. (non-repetitive images)
E.g. Princess in brown outfit could go under STC or SCC but not in both.*
*SCC: The colours need not be all red/green/pink/brown/yellow/orange/black etc. But the colour chosen must be in the majority of the clothes worn*
There is no compulsory saying that you have to participate in both topics at once. You can just join in any of the two topics or both.
You can just send in one colour/theme first, instead of all seven at once. You can take your time to post the seven themes/colours as long as they are all in within two weeks. I know many might be too busy for this ^^
You could use them in daily snapshots or not.
I'm really interested in what everyone dresses in too. ^o^
I look forward to seeing them =)
Zoo performer:
Snow white's evil stepmother
Comic cosplay (捉妖Q排挡-拉尔)
(All images are copyright of poupeegirl)
Hope everyone likes my coordination ^-^
Looking forward to everyone else's awesome dress-up =)