Oct 15, 2005 13:25
The last few months have completely changed me.
I feel older. More in charge of my emotions, more logical. Non-hysterical. Happy.
I'm in love with Mike.
He met me in the Gap downtown while I was shopping for work clothes (long sleeved black shirts with black buttons are harder to find than you'd think..). I walk out of the dressing room, and there he is,
6ft tall leather jacket beautiful blue eyes old ripped jeans wavy dark hair sweet smile a bouquet of lillies.
I almost died.
We held hands on Ocean Beach, drinking cheap red wine and taking care of our bonfire, wearing hoodies and passing the bowl, eating french bread and marveling at where we're lucky enough to live.
It's been 3 months now. Such a short fucking time. I feel like I've known him my entire life. He's going back to Florida with me for Christmas, we'll be dividing the time between his family in Ft. Lauderdale and Orlando, and mine.
I quit my job at the diner, and am now working at Jillian's. The money is great, the hours are way better, and it's closer to home. I couldn't handle missing out on so many things, all because I had to work until 3 or 4am.
Tonight we're having a bonfire at the beach to celebrate my first Saturday night off in 3 months. I can't wait.
Things are wonderful.