Check out
hott_preps ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hung out with danielle and luke
Worked in the morning..came home and took a shower. Luke came over and we stopped by connies. It was good to see her. We hung out there for a while then headed over to his friends houses. Almost died on the freeway. Came home at 12.
I was suppose to get my license but I didnt have a paper i needed so I have to go back August 10th....grrr.
Take the
What animal best portrays your sexual appetite?? Quiz
My outercourse activity is roleplaying!
Which Sexual Outercourse Act Are You? (with pictures)brought to you by
Quizilla You are the chinese element of Fire. People who
are under the element of fire are considerate,
sensitive and communicative. Fire, you are a
conjuror, and you hate boredom, butterfly
emoitions and you also crave excitement. The
color of fire is red and your symbol is the
phoenix. Summer is the season in which fire
shines and it's months are April/May. Your
weather condition is heat. Fire is the
direction south, and your day is Tuesday, while
your planet is Mars. Animals under your
element are usually winged. People under you
are the Hans. Your sense is taste, whereas
your taste is bitter, your sound is laughing
and your virtue is propriety. Your organ is
the heart. You were created by Wood and you
control Metal.
Which of the 5 Chinese Elements Are You?brought to you by