So, um, here's the new 'do.
Don't mind the goofy guy with me. That's my cousin Tom. He's the younger brother of my two cousins who were married in a double wedding last weekend. We all had a great time, but he might have been enjoying himself the most. It was great to see all my relatives, and we'll get to do it again in October when another cousin gets married. Unfortunately this string of weddings has started the inevitable questions to me and the one other girl cousin about when we'll be getting hitched. But I'm doing pretty well at deflecting inquiring minds for now. Even though my actual hours spent working is pretty low at the moment, just telling people "I'm starting my own business" seems to be impressive enough in the world of big adult life events to keep the marriage questions at bay :)
Oh, and Buona Pasqua! (but it has to be said in John's blaring voice across a random crowded area to have full meaning)