Venting about this place

May 30, 2006 19:21

omfg. I am so sick and tired of living here its rediculous! I mean really now what was I thinking re-newing my lease? I guess I was trying to be a good friend to someone that isnt even going to be living with me next year! They found a subleaser and they're moving in with their boy friend...while im stuck here.

So how about I had been gone the whole weekend and didnt get back till monday evening. It took me two full loads to get all the trash down to the dumpster. I love how some people dont clean up after themselves!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

I mean it pisses me the fuck off. We have fucking roaches. Im sorry if some people can live with that realization but I on the other hand cannot stand even the thought of roaches. Who gives a fuck if they clean themselves after they touch us...i dont want them living in the same vacinity as me. I mean some people have food all up in their rooms and trash everywhere. I wish we could have a chore chart. I mean honestly this wouldnt bother me as mcuh if bugs werent involved. That and the fact that I cant stand how one roomie never cleans up around here...someone is always cleaning her messes!!!
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