First of all... aren't you impressed? Two posts in like 2 days... or so.
Secondly, this should probably go on record as one of the greatest Clemson weekends ever. I don't do this too often.. or ever... but I'm just gonna type it all up so that I will have it "written" down. That is probably what most people use this thing for anyway haha...
So, I don't have Friday classes this semester and apparently I didn't know what I was missing by not making my schedule like that before now! (I also don't really have Monday classes... but internship stuff counts for that day I suppose). Friday usually ends up becoming my social/meeting day and at this point I don't know what I'd do without that separate day built into my schedule. I've got lunch with the girls from Crosspoint around noon... except for when Tara forgets to email everyone (which is always) so it ends up just being like three of us or so, but it's a pretty good time, haha. THEN... we totally brought milkshake day back and we have that on Friday afternoons. Definitely one of the highlights of my week. :)
Anyway, so this Friday night was the Swing/Shag Social with Crusade... and I'll admit that I was a little skeptical. Don't get me wrong... it is a fabulous idea and wow I just got super sleepy, haha. Okay so quickly haha... it was so awesome! (props to Miss Lindsey Cain) A lot of people showed up and there was actually a pretty good match up of girls and guys which was surprising! I'm pretty sure that Ben alone gave me more of a workout than I've gotten in a year, haha. I'm guessing the soreness will set in tomorrow. I'll have pictures up soon... haha but it was seriously like an AWESOME night. If you are dancing with a guy who knows what he is doing it makes you look so good even if you aren't really. I pretty much know what I am doing at this point but a few of the guys just throw you around and apparently it looks really cool. Ben and I were pretty much show stoppers with our flip at the end... ha ha ha. ;)
After the dance... Tara, Ronnie, Joshua and I went to Wendy's and down to the docks... vanilla frosty's are a hit, by the way. I'm pretty much obsessed with the stars and the moon and uhm... space again. Anyone know when the next meteor shower is??
Then TODAY (well, Saturday) Clemson played Wake Forest away at noon. A bunch of us went over to Ronnie and Josh's house to watch the game... got to make my pineapple cheese casserole yet again... woot woot. hahaha. We were pretty depressed for most of the game but we came back in the 4th quater, blew them out of the water, and won the game 27-17!! :) It was nothing short of amazing. And we got to play with an 8 week old golden retriever puppy! I now need one.
Then Tara, Lindsey, and I went back to their places and watched a little more football and such. Lindsey and I ended up trying to grill steaks on a charcoal grill (which neither one of us had ever used before) for someeee reason. Picture/Video documentary: coming soon. We ended up making Tara wait to eat dinner for like 2 hours haha... yeahhh. I hope the coals are a little cooler now since we were SUPER smart and grilled right up on her wooden deck... my daddy informed me that that probably wasn't the smartest idea ever when I called him for advice. Oops... too late. Today was pretty much the silly, crazy, relaxing all-in-one day that I soooo desperately needed.
OH... how did I forget the coolest thing ever that was probably one of the greatest moments of my life?? ;) I totally got to drive Tara's truck back to her place from Ronnie's. If that doesn't mean anything to you then take a look at it...
Tara's Truckit has even bigger tires now and it's really loud and probably one of my favorite "places" in the entire world. My big truck obsession is getting even bigger... uh oh.tty s
I'm pretty I sure that I want to stay in Clemson forever. Not because of these things b/c I know people will leave here... my heart is just totally here. I guess we'll see what happens...
Okay, church tomorrow morning so I'm heading to bed... babysitting tomorrow afternoon then CP Group and still TONS of work to do on my Honors Thesis that I was supposed to do today. Ha, right.
'til next time...