Sep 29, 2004 00:49
Today started off to a rough start when I had to get up at 8:30 for class :(
Not to mention I had a busy day infront of me, first I had to go to University Experience and do this stupid FIRE SAFETY was kinda cool though because they had refreshments for us and a smokey trailer set up that we got to go through...English sucks because my professor is a biatch, Chorus was bad because I can't sing since I am almost choking when breathing *I swear it is the whooping cough* and finally the worst part of my Psychology exam which I was pumped about because I studied for hours upon hours last night however I still freaking failed. I was pissed - but it's ok, lots of extra credit and better study habits can fix this. Anyways tomorrow won't be too bad I just have Biology and Bowling blah....nothing too exciting.
Watched Mean Girls twice tonight!! It rocks, not to mention I got my ears double pierced!! WOO! I was really excited :)
And as usual Simon called :) and I love him!! Yeah we're "gay".
Anyways it's off to bed, yet another early start tomorrow - goodnight!!